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πŸ“ Fri Feb 07 2003

This is my first post on the blog...I hope that I'll have something interesting to say. Well, I guess the first post should have a little to do with

πŸ“ Sat Feb 08 2003

My boss asked me to come into work today to explain accessing a database in .NET to one of our developers who mainly codes in C. It was pretty interes

πŸ“ Mon Feb 10 2003

Monday morning...
What better to do on a Monday morning than find out which type of OS your personality is matched with? Makes you look nice and busy, and from the othe

πŸ“ Tue Feb 11 2003

Generating Ideas...
I've decided to try and make my life a little easier. Controls. I've jumped into them a little in the past, but now I may have a little more time to

πŸ“ Tue Feb 11 2003

Nearing completion...
I'm getting to the clean-up phase of porting an asp.old project to .NET. It's about time! I finally tackled a problem I ran into with a vb6 component

πŸ“ Thu Feb 13 2003

Okay, it's not as if anyone is reading this - but for those of you who are (hey, Chris!) - here is why I didn't post yesterday. I've been working wit

πŸ“ Tue Feb 18 2003

.NET Brain Farts
Today Seems like an extended Moday as far as my development goes. I've tried about 3 or 4 different tings on my current project that just don't seem t

πŸ“ Fri Feb 21 2003

Jump into VB.NET - feet furst
Today I'm applying OOP changes to a VB.NET dll that was upgraded from VB6 - so that means I'm taking out all of the On Error GoTo fnName_Error and Rep

πŸ“ Sat Feb 22 2003

Getting Started on some Controls Issues
I decided to go ahead and try to start building something in the control arena - something I haven't visited for some months now. I figured it would

πŸ“ Wed Feb 26 2003

Cool uses for DHTML
Mark forwarded me a link today of a site that pushes DHMTL to the max. I've gone on record before about my loathing for web development, but I know a

πŸ“ Fri Feb 28 2003

I am the Framework. I run managed code. I am without flaw.
Get a heads up on running multiple versions of the Framework. ShowUsYour-Blog! I read Darren's post, and subsequently the referenced article by Early

πŸ“ Wed Mar 05 2003

Stupid Cookie.Domain
I've spent about 1 1/2 hours trying to figure out why I couldn't get a persistent cookie set from codebehind in ASP.NET...I tried a lot of different t

πŸ“ Mon Mar 10 2003

Added HTTP Request code snippit
I'm adding a new category of posts to my blog; code snippits. I was looking for a tool to manage code snippits when it hit me, why not post them to m

πŸ“ Tue Mar 11 2003

Added Editing a custom icon to a web server control story
Man, Don, you've got me going nutz with your code-postin shennanigans. I've just added a new story, explaining how I used Photoshop 7 and Imageready 7

πŸ“ Tue Mar 11 2003

Added 'Extending the MetaBuilder's RollOverLink' Story
I just added a little explanation of how I extended the RollOverLink found on All I did really was add a statusbar message and

πŸ“ Tue Mar 11 2003

Custom configuration sections
Something I've found infinitely useful is custom configuration sections. By using custom configuration sections, you are allowed to store a richer am

πŸ“ Wed Mar 12 2003

Taking Custom Configuration Sections A Step Further
Yup, it's cool, but it gets even cooler when you start writing your own configuration section handler implementations. The beauty of the configuration

πŸ“ Fri Mar 14 2003

Stupid [fill in the blank]
I've been working today with farpoint's spread for webforms control, trying to make it act like you would want a spreadsheet to work. I've been focusi

πŸ“ Sun Mar 16 2003

I've taken the plunge...
I finally did it. I 'upgraded' my home pc to XP. It took forever, probably b/c I have a pretty slow processor - 400mhz, but it's up, it's running, and

πŸ“ Sun Mar 16 2003

Remote Desktop
Just a quick post - I've been toying w/ the idea of a software KVM - using terminal services. Keith gave me a link for the client which he says works

πŸ“ Mon Mar 17 2003

added custom config section handler story.
I just added a story describing how I've made my ImageLink control jump thru some more hoops for an application-specific purpose. If anyone is intere

πŸ“ Tue Mar 18 2003

Happiness is getting...
...the first issue of Ingo's Distributed .NET Newsletter. If you are doing anything distributed in .NET, you need to be subscribed. Heck, you need to

πŸ“ Thu Mar 27 2003

Boo! on ASP.NET Validators!
So I'm trying to get a regular expression validator to work - ya know, validate my data. I'm a reeeeal novice when it comes to regex, so with a little

πŸ“ Fri Mar 28 2003

A Blessing in disguise? (follow-up to 'Boo! on Validators')
This is what I love about blogging here. I not only got to work out the problem in a different way than I would have alone, but I also got some great

πŸ“ Fri Mar 28 2003

Have YOU ever heard of Detroit....TX? No one else has, either
but, that's where I'm going tomorrow. My son lives there with his brother, their mom (baby's momma:), and Nana and Papa (the Grandparents). It's going

πŸ“ Mon Mar 31 2003

10 hrs on the road and over 600 miles covered...and worth every second.
I got back from seeing Ethan monster late Sunday afternoon...I'm just too proud. My boy is walking like a champ! Talking, too. I was holding him, and

πŸ“ Mon Mar 31 2003

Boy, am I glad to see you!
Make that, girl am I glad to see you. ... Which brings me to my next question, why aren't there more female Bloggers here? If there are of you out th

πŸ“ Mon Mar 31 2003

More! More! More!!
Ya know, the site that's set up for us dotnetwebloggers is real cool. You can do everything there. I'd like to see similar functionality added to my

πŸ“ Tue Apr 01 2003

More! More! More! - It's Coming - Woohoo!
In the coming week(s) the webservice(s) will be much improved. The current webservice is just a quick wrapper around my display objects (hence there i

πŸ“ Thu Apr 03 2003

Starter Kits Rule!
If you're looking to get a site up in a hurry, with a minimum of fuss, then you owe it to yourself to check out the ASP.NET Starter Kits, downloadable

πŸ“ Sun Apr 06 2003

In need of direction...('re doing it again :|)
<snip/> P.S. - Chris, if you're reading this...I sent you an e-mail. :) \[David Stone's Blog\] I sent over a similar email...I guess I should h

πŸ“ Mon Apr 07 2003

Aggregator integration
<snip/> What do you all think? Is aggregator integration into Outlook a good thing? Is it a "must have" feature for you? Comment or blog and let

πŸ“ Mon Apr 07 2003

Aggrrregator Overload! ---- SharpReader.
ok. Harvester is fun. RssBandit is better. SharpReader Owns. Its just really, really slick; the threaded posts functionality is killer; the abil

πŸ“ Mon Apr 07 2003

<snip/> UPDATE: I am having problems add more than one feed to a category (which kind of defeats the purpose). Anyone else notice this behavior?

πŸ“ Tue Apr 08 2003

I love this stuff.
As a developer, I consider myself more of a problem solver. One of my least favorite problems: Com Interop. I can't shake it. It seems that no matter

πŸ“ Tue Apr 08 2003

Ok, I'll try one more time...
Chris wrote a while back about the source/binaries for his blog engine that his site uses. Count me way in! I'm looking to do something similar to use

πŸ“ Tue Apr 08 2003

devenv.exe /setup
This was a switch I didn't even know existed from the command line. I was having some issues with VS.NET 2002 and custom Add in tools. I couldn't figu

πŸ“ Wed Apr 09 2003

Yes I have heard of it, and yes I do use it - although probably not as often as I should :S. I personally prefer the GUI, but that's just me. I like t

πŸ“ Wed Apr 09 2003

the Scoble says...
If the FrontPage team wants some consulting, you know where to find me. Will you be charging your normal dollar rate?:)

πŸ“ Fri Apr 11 2003

By the way, I know some of you folks played around with this a little... any stories? \[Rachel Reese's Blog\] I showed it to the bossman...he loved i

πŸ“ Sat Apr 12 2003

More on aggregators...
Added Dare's RssBandit 1.0d, 1.1beta to the home machine...couldn't get it to work right away :( Added Chris's Harvester to the home machine...couldn

πŸ“ Sat Apr 12 2003

Scobleizer vs Dvorak
Who are most people in the industry going to believe? Dvorak or Scoble? \[The Scobleizer Weblog One hardcore .net developer for Scoble, right here!

πŸ“ Sat Apr 12 2003

Where is everybody?
<snip/> Where is everybody? You can't all leave me here's not fair! So if you are actually sharing my boredom here, tell me what you'

πŸ“ Sat Apr 12 2003 user control to display scrollable rss2.0 feeds
<snip/> Whad'ya all think? </snip> \[Julia Lerman Blog Sweet! I like the inter face, looks very similar to something I have in mind. I'm

πŸ“ Mon Apr 14 2003

dotnetweblogs integration.
I already have this blog on, but I feel kind of bad using someone else's server to post random crap on the web. Therefore, I was goi

πŸ“ Tue Apr 15 2003

Where the heck do I get my grubby developer hands on this little beast if I can't browse, save in IE? My other browsers (Opera 6.04/Mozilla 1.0) can't

πŸ“ Thu Apr 17 2003

Added new Story on using Reflection to make dynamic about pages.
Check it out here.

πŸ“ Thu Apr 17 2003

BlogThis - Thanks Simon
I forgot to mention that while many people posted their thoughts about BlogThis (XML, Interface, etc), it was Simon Fell who brought it too life. Tha

πŸ“ Fri Apr 18 2003

Need Logo
I am getting pretty close to having a downloadable version ready for public consumption. One thing I am still lacking is a nice "powered by ASPNetWebL

πŸ“ Wed Apr 23 2003

Just 'fixed' the incoming links control over to your right there--> This is great stuff - I was going to roll my own type of deal here, but decided

πŸ“ Fri Apr 25 2003

A sexy UI
The world must be about to end. Jeffrey Zeldman has an RSS feed and Chris Pirillo has a weblog format without a stupid font. Now if we could only get

πŸ“ Fri Apr 25 2003

I really, really like various tools that mix blogspace with meatspace. GeoBlog is frickin cool. real time map of blog postings, as they happen. In th

πŸ“ Fri Apr 25 2003

The logic (or lack thereof) behind xhtml:body
When Sam started a small revolution last month by using <xhtml:body> in his rss-feed, <snip/> On top of that, it seems like every rss fee

πŸ“ Mon Apr 28 2003

More Integration.
Also, thanks Scott for the simpleblogservice...I think this will be the way to go, of course using post to put new entries in based on an infiniblog b

πŸ“ Mon Apr 28 2003

The new Look, feel, and function of
Great job, Scott. I've decided to clean up my dotnetblogspace a little bit, so I've moved my story links here. Mucho cleaner, IMHO.

πŸ“ Wed Apr 30 2003

I'm getting close...Trying to figure out what's going wrong here....must ping more.

πŸ“ Wed Apr 30 2003

Why didn't I see these 'ping' posts earlier? Looks to me like I've got some integration to clean up! HA! So the posts below that say something like '

πŸ“ Thu May 01 2003

Last ping w/o post...
Okay, the last one didn't go thru - still trying to sort the logic. sorry again, Scott. This is great stuff, tho. I've learned more about xml-rpc/web

πŸ“ Thu May 01 2003

Win2k Terminal Services.
I'm pretty sure no one was paying attention (even me:), but I made a post a while back about using Terminal Services as a sort of Software KVM. Well

πŸ“ Fri May 02 2003

Comment Storage
This comment stuff is proving to be harder than I thought. The problem is not the API, which seems pretty straightforward. It's in the way that I wil

πŸ“ Fri May 02 2003
Does anyone have any pointers / links / resources I could look at for supporting comments in a blog system? I think I'm ready to implement this over @

πŸ“ Fri May 02 2003

Hyperlink This!
<snip/> Most developers do not put much thought into hyperlinks. Most of what I've covered today is common sense, but it does pay to look back

πŸ“ Fri May 02 2003

To CommentAPI, or not to CommentAPI?
I've decided to take an approach based very loosely on the CommentAPI. I'm not adding the ability to post from outside of the base site yet, but I'm t

πŸ“ Sun May 04 2003

My favorite Exception.
"Object reference not set to an instance of an object" I'm not usually one to make my ignorance publicly known. Okay, if you've seen any amount of m

πŸ“ Mon May 05 2003

Effective Linking
<snip> If I'm referring to a person, I'll link directly to the home page of that persons blog, preferably identifying them however they choose t

πŸ“ Tue May 06 2003

From one of the funniest blog titles department...
How ubiquitous...:P

πŸ“ Mon May 12 2003

Functional Decomposition
Functional Decomposition: A method of breaking down a problem into smaller and smaller functions. Each function is subdivided until it is manageable.

πŸ“ Tue May 13 2003

Delimma: What the heck am I? I get to the launch event and there are three 'tracks' you can take: Developer Architect IT Pro. Obviously, IT Pro is

πŸ“ Tue May 13 2003

Lessons learned.
Just got back from the windows server 2003 launch event. Got some cool toys to play with, but I learned some interesting's the gist. Fi

πŸ“ Tue May 13 2003

By far, the most interesting aspect of the windows 2003 launch event came from someone who is NOT employed by m$...Stephen "7 of 9" Fulcher. Why "7 o

πŸ“ Thu May 15 2003

Just wondering; has anyone figured out how to do rich text editing in other browsers, i.e. Opera?\[Objective\] [

πŸ“ Tue May 20 2003

The Bridge Whatsis?
The Bridge pattern. All I have to say is..."huh?". Is it me or does this pattern seem like more of an abstract idea than the others I've seen so far?

πŸ“ Tue May 20 2003

Welcome to my pal Devin Rader who has just started a blog on dotnetweblogs. <snip/> \[Julia Lerman Blog\] Subscribed. \[Listening to: Two Ta

πŸ“ Wed May 21 2003

RegExValidator Tester
I just had to do a test for a RegExValidator. Wow! Interesting, no? Keep reading. A while back, I had to do a few tests to check if certain regEx's

πŸ“ Fri May 23 2003

I just made a change to some code I wrote a while back that generates a text file with strong encryption/decryption keys for use in a machine.config o

πŸ“ Wed May 28 2003

Unwittingly giving Google Juice...
<snip> Well, I'm sure that lots of webloggers will fall into that trap. Not me. </snip> \[The Scobleizer Weblog\] D'oh!

πŸ“ Fri May 30 2003

Cross-posting revisited
One more thing - ScottW, you're the dude. man. whateva. All I had to do this morning to enable cross-posting from my non-read space was change the ur

πŸ“ Fri May 30 2003

Pattern Primate...
...from code monkey:P. Rollin right along, I'm getting more used to using patterns in my regular speech (as a developer, anyway:) Trouble is, as I've

πŸ“ Fri May 30 2003

You're a nerd.
Last night I couldn't go to sleep, so I hopped on my laptop @ 1:00am. The funny part is, when my modem stopped hand-shaking, one of my favorite 'sof

πŸ“ Sat May 31 2003

VS.NET being difficult...
Uh-oh. I did a little finishing touches to my latest application, Risk Analysis and it looks like Visual Studio doesn't like something I've done late

πŸ“ Sun Jun 01 2003

+1 reader
Heh, I've got 3 readers now. Someone pinged me and said the link in my previous post doesn't work. Sorry bout that, it won't be "live" until Monday a

πŸ“ Tue Jun 03 2003

Exception Management Block
Okay, so I dove into the Exception Management Application Block today. I've been using it on a current application, but I wanted an email to be sent

πŸ“ Tue Jun 03 2003

Srinath says
Srinath says regarding my previous post: Please check our secure guide, section "Accessing System Resources > Accessing Event Log" at http://msdn.

πŸ“ Wed Jun 04 2003

Log this!
What's your poison? Exception Management Application Block or log4net ? Why?

πŸ“ Wed Jun 04 2003

Must...resist... google juuce!

πŸ“ Fri Jun 06 2003

xsd2db and Me
I have been looking for xsd2db, a tool for generating a database schema from an XML schema, ever since I read this article. Unfortunately, when it ca

πŸ“ Sat Jun 07 2003

The .NET pledge
I took the pledge. You should, too. Good stuff, Sam.

πŸ“ Sun Jun 08 2003

That's great. It's a website.
Earlier tonight, I showed my girlfriend Tina some of the work I've done, namely and my most recent endeavor, Risk Analysis. L

πŸ“ Sun Jun 08 2003

I'm still kicking around some ideas for an online aggregator, so I can maybe look over some of the blogs I frequent over my loverly dial-up connextion

πŸ“ Sat Jun 14 2003

Member cap
Each Workspace has a maximum limit of 500 members. \[gotdotnet workspaces\] Wha? I thought it was only 20. Very interesting....

πŸ“ Mon Jun 16 2003

Added a snippet DHTML ImageButton server control
Thanks to a recent upgrade(?) to this here blog engine, I was able to recover a story I wrote a while back that I never set to "active". It's called E

πŸ“ Mon Jun 16 2003

Things that make you go...
Visual Studio .NET has not been my friend lately. Last week, ASPNET was having issues - taking up to 4 minutes to compile a (relatively) small projec

πŸ“ Tue Jun 17 2003

WinXP wipe
So, after my wah-wah yesterday about Visual Studio, I was looking thru my hotmail account and realized that they offer mobile services. Hey! I've got

πŸ“ Mon Jun 23 2003

Corporate Blogs Catching on
Corporate Blogs Catching on It's like a plague. I have some unmanned Tripod sites that sent the "webmaster" (yours truly) an email detailing how some

πŸ“ Mon Jun 23 2003

Object ref....
Heh - I get more traffic here and there from a post I made a while back that had the words "Object reference not set...." you know, you've seen it.

πŸ“ Thu Jun 26 2003

Luke Blogs of the dream of WORA. Slightly more interesting to me at this point, tho, is his experiences with log4net, the popular .NET alternative to

πŸ“ Mon Jun 30 2003

So VB.NET just ain't that bad after all.
Hit a new "milestone" in my current project today, at the same time really starting to understand where the term "over-engineering" is founded - of co

πŸ“ Tue Jul 01 2003

Comment Reply
Helena asks: Helena Posted @ 7/1/2003 3:39 AM Hello! I'm experiencing the same problem! Have you been able to solve it?? I sure did solve it! Thanks

πŸ“ Sun Jul 06 2003

Robert Sindall
Robert Sindall has posted a VB.NET Version of my Story on Interactive About Pages using Reflection in ASP.NET. Thanks, Robert! For the VB.NET version

πŸ“ Tue Jul 08 2003

v1.1.4322 w/o VS.NET 2003
I just installed v1.1.4322 of the dotnetfx today, bacause it's looking like the nifty tools that I'm starting to see are all being built with this ver

πŸ“ Wed Jul 09 2003

Comment Reply
Frans Says, in comments: You can buy the upgrade for 2003 for 29$ even if you have a 2002 you got with an MSDN subscription that is no l

πŸ“ Fri Jul 11 2003

Managed Quake II? swell.
Nice. ...Must...focus...on work... From Brad. Interesting… The thing that sold Windows as a viable gaming platform for most people was the appearance

πŸ“ Fri Jul 11 2003

Yeah, it's swell...
Andrew : Ya just had to post that, didn't ya! Of course I did! First, Quake II is one of my favorite games (right up there with Duke Nukem:)...I have

πŸ“ Fri Jul 11 2003

nyt hackers
NYT: Hackers Hijack PC's for Sex Sites ...since the hijacked machines download the pornographic ads from a single Web server. According to the comput

πŸ“ Mon Jul 14 2003

I just made it to Redmond.
I just made it to Redmond. Big thanks to Jim Ross, MVP for giving me a ride to my hotel. gotta go!

πŸ“ Wed Jul 23 2003

Finally, my upgrade!
I haven't blogged for a while, I'm on an extended Monday <g>...but anyhoo I just ordered by upgrade to VS.NET Ent. Architect 2003. It sucks that

πŸ“ Wed Jul 23 2003

WhoIs, and my first WinForms Project
Yesterday I picked up my first Windows Forms project. I think it should be pretty lightweight -> it's going to be a data entry app for "API Headers",

πŸ“ Wed Jul 30 2003

Okay, I'm about to show a little of my ignorance here, but that's okay - at least I'm blogging again. I just tracked down a bug in some software I wr

πŸ“ Wed Jul 30 2003

Mission Possible
So how's about a project I haven't goofed up yet? I started to make a little headway on the UI of Miny, my first WinForms project. Miny is the name g

πŸ“ Fri Aug 01 2003

From the Trenches...
Alex Lowe says: ?My motto: You've got to know someone's pain to make it go away. Adding to others who have stated it, I'd like to congratulate Alex L

πŸ“ Tue Aug 05 2003

Hits from a survival guide.
Too funny. I try to post mainly .net related findings, and enjoy relatively low traffic here other than the occasional google or yahoo search on "obje

πŸ“ Wed Aug 06 2003

Wow. This is something I could have sworn Scoble would post. Are ya fallin off, buddy? Anyways, from Microsoft-Watch: Microsoft Watch: What's the fut

πŸ“ Thu Aug 21 2003

Testing geourl
just a lil ping!ping!

πŸ“ Thu Aug 21 2003

moving to .Text
So I decided to move the location of my blog, using dotText. I was going to wait for a while, but the Image gallery feature has me sold. Sorry, Chris

πŸ“ Sat Aug 23 2003

Got an importer.
I have a project that requires that I convert a flat FoxPro Database to a 'normalized' Sql Server database. So far, I've gotten the foxpro data into S

πŸ“ Mon Aug 25 2003

flat -> normal shudder
Still posting from infiniblog... I've been sick for the past few days. I hate being sick, it makes me delerious (sp?). Even worse, I'm currently work

πŸ“ Sat Sep 06 2003

Coming real soon...
I intend to use this blog engine more and more, but I've run into a snag that has held me back a bit - I don't know what the ParentID is supposed to b

πŸ“ Tue Sep 09 2003

No command-line proxy for you, buddy.
Oh boy. Another β€œObject Reference” exception. I tried to create a proxy to this here webservice and insert an entry from a simple command line program

πŸ“ Tue Sep 09 2003

I couldn't figure out why the remote posting thing wasn't working like I wanted it to. Well, the examples that I looked at last nite failed to outline

πŸ“ Tue Sep 09 2003

I want to say thanks to those who have given me feedback on a previous post. It's given me a little bit more insight into this beast called SqlServer.

πŸ“ Wed Sep 10 2003

Looks like Marc is having trouble with sealed ImageLists. I've been working on my first Windows Forms project and I'm using the same ImageList through

πŸ“ Wed Sep 10 2003

added emoticons :)
I've recently added emoticons 😘 to my .Text blog. If you could see the code, it might look familiar. Heh, that was pretty easy. I did make a change o

πŸ“ Wed Sep 10 2003

I just added geoUrl to my blog. I don't know why I didn't thing to do this before! I just have it pointing to my personal blog that has the correct ta

πŸ“ Wed Sep 10 2003

perhaps I should take a little more time to fix the emoticons

πŸ“ Wed Sep 10 2003

blah!! πŸ˜„ edit more

πŸ“ Thu Sep 11 2003

I remember.
9/11. I was at home that day, my son wasn't born yet, and I saw the whole thing televised after my (ex) girlfriend's crazy best friend told us that Am

πŸ“ Thu Sep 11 2003

Wow. It's a website. (part deux)
Me: Hey, Tina - you wanna see what I did today? Tina: No, I looked at a computer screen for too long today. It was 4 hours.

πŸ“ Fri Sep 12 2003

Paying it forward
In response to a post I made about VS.NET 2002 failing to open connections with Sql Server, Roman says: I have just found solvation. Installing MDA

πŸ“ Fri Sep 19 2003

technology is like
So I'm doing some work with typed datasets right now that is really souring my experience with VS.NET 2003. I'm using the same technique that I used

πŸ“ Tue Sep 23 2003

Intellisense problem solved.
For anyone else who might have run into Intellisense weirdness, I found that just 'touching' the file that was generated by for the dataset and

πŸ“ Wed Sep 24 2003

Note to the Windows Forms team
Working with windows forms sucks. Especially if you're coming from the much more approachable side. I have state, but simple things like pre-

πŸ“ Fri Sep 26 2003

here September, 2003(16) there September, 2003(14) and the internal one, September, 2003(34) hehe, you can't see how big of a dope I am on the interna

πŸ“ Wed Oct 01 2003

More cross-posting shennanigans.
I think I'm going to play with .Text a little bit to allow cross-posting from here to there using w.Bloggar and the MetaBlog API. Perhaps there are s

πŸ“ Wed Oct 01 2003

Thanks Darren...Show us your-Regex!
The place that I work uses what we call index numbers (they're not really numbers per se...) that are based on API numbers (which are usually numbers)

πŸ“ Mon Oct 06 2003

ATM - Galaga
I had a dream last nite that I was going to an ATM to get some cash. When I was at the terminal, on the opposite side of the English/Espanol options t

πŸ“ Thu Oct 09 2003

A different OS this time...
This time I'm like the PalmOS. I hope that's not badΒ :) At any rate, I love my Palm Handheld. Which OS are You?

πŸ“ Fri Oct 10 2003

New Skin, new Gallery!
Thanks to Donny MacΒ for pointing me to a new skin for here. Also thanks to Julien CheyssialΒ for creating the initial one. I changed the colors from o

πŸ“ Sat Oct 11 2003

Hannah Henson
My girlfriend Tina just pointed me to a site that a friend of hers has put up - Hannah HensonΒ is a young lady who was diagnosed with osteosarcoma earl

πŸ“ Tue Oct 14 2003

Simple Scrolling added to my blog
I added a scroller over here - just some custom javascript. I wanted to get it working - it looks great on IE, I can't say the exact same for mozilla

πŸ“ Thu Oct 16 2003

Test from MetaBlog/w.bloggar
This is just a little test ping. -= Currently Jammin: Chop Suey - System Of A Down - (03:17) :=-

πŸ“ Mon Oct 20 2003

sigh of relief
Thanks, Scott. :)

πŸ“ Tue Oct 21 2003

For anyone who wants the Lighty skin to look a little better in Mozilla...
Go to the Admin section of your blog, and in the β€œCustom CSS Selectors” textbox add: main { margin-left:200px; padding:0px 20px 0px 0px; width: 580px;

πŸ“ Tue Oct 21 2003

Somebody likes the blue Lighty.
Jeff Julian pinged me this morning and asked if he could use the version of Lighty that I hacked up after Julien Cheyssial (that's weird :)released hi

πŸ“ Thu Oct 23 2003

For anybody who's running .Text...
Jeff Julian Β has put up a couple of skins at .

πŸ“ Fri Oct 24 2003

My Thursday Night
Papa John's pepperoni and ham (with the special garlic sauce) cold beer working software now if only the Yankees can pull off 3 more points...this is

πŸ“ Mon Oct 27 2003

This *is* a cross-post from .Text.
It seems that cross-posting has become a cool feature since other, more respectedΒ developers have released new versions of their prospective blogging

πŸ“ Tue Oct 28 2003

I don't speak German, but...
This post reinforces that a picture is worth 10,000 words.

πŸ“ Fri Oct 31 2003

Singing the praises of the ASP.NET Version Switcher.
I'm putting some of the finishing touches on my first winforms project, so I decided to try out some code on an app that I wrote over a year ago today

πŸ“ Sat Nov 01 2003

May be changing servers soon...
I may have to change looks like another app that lives here is timing out a lot and I want to be able to make sure it's not my blog's fau

πŸ“ Tue Nov 04 2003

Seeing the Matrix Manana
I just got my tickets to see The Matrix : Revolutions online...I'm one of the fortunate few that get to see this on the BIG screen: IMAX baby! :P

πŸ“ Fri Nov 14 2003

Exception Management
I've been using the Exception Management Application Block for quite some time now, and for general purpose it's great. Especially when I need some de

πŸ“ Fri Nov 14 2003

Tomorrow's my birthday.
I'll be 23. :)

πŸ“ Tue Nov 18 2003

Ever heard of role-based security?
I'm sorry, Frans - this did make me chuckle a little bit, tho: Well... ever heard of role-based security? Rob Howard hasn't obviously. Rob Howard – Me

πŸ“ Wed Nov 19 2003

Hannah Henson
Our friend Hannah passed away yesterday. Vanessa: thank you for your comment, indeed Hannah was an inspiration to us all. She had courage and faith un

πŸ“ Tue Nov 25 2003

I want a new...
...way to post to my weblogs. Maybe you can help me out. Objective: Create a desktop application that will enable posting entries to a weblog. Technol

πŸ“ Wed Nov 26 2003

Thanks to comments from my previous post, I did snag a copy of Blogert. Just like I thought, it's almost everything that I wanted, but I want a couple

πŸ“ Wed Dec 03 2003

What's in a name?
In my comments here, MichaelΒ SlaterΒ says I should try out zempt for my blog-editing pleasure...well, I went to the site and thanks for the suggestion,

πŸ“ Thu Dec 04 2003

Posting code snippets from the desktop...
Scott Mitchell told me: Feature request: you will be my hero if your blog software can display code snippets in a color coding like in VS.NET. And if

πŸ“ Thu Dec 04 2003

posting from the desktop...
See? I'm not the only one.

πŸ“ Wed Dec 10 2003

It has begun or Does size really matter?
I finally decided on a name for my project - PostModern. I had already gotten syntax highlighting worked out, but I ended up using a different compone

πŸ“ Wed Dec 10 2003

ugh. looks like the best way to do this is with \[font\] tags. eeww.

πŸ“ Fri Dec 12 2003

Local DasBlog
Wow. I realized that I needed some guidance on how to implement the MetaWeblog API and thought, hmm, doesn't that dasBlog jobby do cross-posting with

πŸ“ Wed Dec 17 2003

sorry to my 2 readers
But I need to test out how my new syntax highlighting code is going to look in an aggregator. No offense, I hope. 1using System; 2 3namespace Highligh

πŸ“ Wed Dec 24 2003

PostModern Crossroads
Okay, I'm pretty solid on the HtmlEditorΒ that I'm going to use for my little side project. It's a sweet editor. Honestly, it has more features than I

πŸ“ Wed Dec 31 2003

Happy New Year everybody. :)

πŸ“ Sat Jan 03 2004

Blatant "Me Too" Post
Jason Alexander posted recently about moving nGallery to VaultPub. I'm hosting my little slow-going side project there too (hence the title:) It's goi

πŸ“ Tue Jan 06 2004

I finally figured out how to use the Document.Selection of Nikhil's HTML Component. I was looking for Document.InsertHtml which eluded me until today.

πŸ“ Thu Jan 15 2004

Come back to ASP.NET for the first time.
Today I had to bring up a previous project that I had done in and make sure that it would work well if installed to an end-user's machine for

πŸ“ Wed Jan 21 2004

Guess who's also an MVP?
Yours truly! (that would be me) :) Congratulations to everyone else who earned this honor.

πŸ“ Fri Jan 23 2004

It's coming...
BTW, this is yet another code-when-I-have-a-free-time program :P

πŸ“ Fri Jan 23 2004

The internet is shit.
"4 of 11....Fiction is self-perpetuating."

πŸ“ Thu Mar 11 2004

Public Apology
I'm sorry, reader. I haven't posted to this thing in almost 2 months, and I'm sure that both of you are quite upset at me. So what's been going on wit

πŸ“ Sun Mar 14 2004

Movin on up...
Tina and I just finished moving the last of our stuff from the old apartment to the new one. We've almost got everything unpacked - I like it here. Th

πŸ“ Tue Mar 16 2004

I had to blog this.
I've been using Mozilla FireFox as my default browser for a couple of weeks. I love it - for the most part. A lot of people don't design for standards

πŸ“ Wed Mar 17 2004

That's what I'm talkin bout!
Julien Ellie, you rock. In response to all the WinForms hubub yesterday, I asked for a higher limit on the file selection dialog (you can only select

πŸ“ Wed Mar 17 2004

What do you want from WinForms?
Like to hear my feedback? I'd like a file dialog that lets me select more than 200 files at a time. With the people and companies I work with, it is a

πŸ“ Fri Mar 19 2004

I feel ya.
Big Time. I've even talked about it before. I'm really thankful that Tina listens to the boring .NET stuff I talk about - she even listens to me talk

πŸ“ Sat Mar 20 2004

last try I promise.
Sorry ScottW. Let's hope the third time is the charm.

πŸ“ Sat Mar 20 2004

my first desktop cross-post
that's a little upsetting :(

πŸ“ Mon Mar 22 2004

This sucks.
My cousin finally got a weblog but I can't subsribe to it! I sent these people an email asking them to at least include permalinks and a public rss fe

πŸ“ Wed Mar 24 2004

Drag and Drop Urls in Windows Forms
So I wanted to allow for this, right? What if I find something on the net that just begs me to post it, and I want to use the url as the source for my

πŸ“ Wed Mar 24 2004

How did I format that code?
Nick Berardi asks: How did you format this code, I really like that. It wasΒ pretty easy, I used some code that I modified from the original Squishy

πŸ“ Mon Mar 29 2004

My High School friend Aleida has been living in Spain for a while now. She sends emails every now and then just to say how things are going - I hope s

πŸ“ Sat Apr 03 2004

Hell freezes over
I thought this may be useful in the future... :)

πŸ“ Thu Apr 08 2004

Imitation vs. Innovation
I'm ashamed of myself. I finished my first windows forms project a few months ago - it's an internal project that will never be released to the public

πŸ“ Fri Apr 09 2004

Freakin a(tof)!
I had some very humble console app beginnings in C++. Ya know, "cash register" dos-like programs, completely keyboard driven. However, my beginnings h

πŸ“ Wed Apr 21 2004

I've needed this link ( ) a few times, so I thought I'd give it a little google juice so I could find it easie

πŸ“ Tue Apr 27 2004


πŸ“ Fri Apr 30 2004

Β <mumble>viral marketing...</mumble> :) FREE XDN Professional for .NET Bloggers during May 2004Mike Schinkel, president of Xtras.Net,

πŸ“ Fri Apr 30 2004

Links for Monte Carlo Simulations
ΒΒ  Introduction to Monte Carlo Methods (online textbook) Β Molecular Monte Carlo HomePage

πŸ“ Sat May 01 2004

I can ping everything now.
Okay, not everything, but at least www.weblogs.comΒ and I already had some of the code in place, but then I came across an example by Charles C

πŸ“ Sat May 01 2004

er...maybe I DO need to get out more often.
Am I the last one to notice a certain Microsoft Blogger's mug at the top of ?

πŸ“ Tue May 11 2004

Okay, That was pretty cool.
.NET Reflector Click: Help | Check for Updates | Yes.

πŸ“ Thu May 13 2004

Office 2003 Faces
I thought I linked to this before, but I guess I was wrong. Here's some google juice for those Office 2003 Faces.

πŸ“ Sat May 22 2004

What's the point of comment spam?
Β Especially when the links don't point anywhere? I'm finding this mildly annoying, and I'm sure there's some of you out there who are getting bombarde

πŸ“ Thu May 27 2004

The Tao of Programming
1.2 The Tao gave birth to machine language. Machine language gave birth to the assembler. The assembler gave birth to the compiler. Now there

πŸ“ Thu Jun 03 2004

Starting a conversation - I want to hear your opinion.
I wanted to ask for your opinion. I've been building this little wysiwyg blog-posting tool for a little bit. I call it PostXING, and I'm using it righ

πŸ“ Fri Jun 04 2004

Searching for Adam Sills
Hey, Adam, if you're reading this, drop me a line. I can't find a way to contact you, so I guess this is the next best thing.

πŸ“ Fri Jun 11 2004

All quiet...
So I haven't posted in a while. See,Β on Monday, my life changes. Exactly how, I'm not sure yet. I'm going to family court to get joint custody of my s

πŸ“ Tue Jun 22 2004

Another personal post
So I had the first weekend alone with my son, Ethan, this past weekend. It was awesome! What a perfect father's day gift - being able to actually spen

πŸ“ Thu Jun 24 2004

The road to enlightenment
Earlier this year I started using NUnit to see what all the fuss was about. I started on a subset of an application that I'm working on, using it for

πŸ“ Thu Jul 01 2004

Another one of those funny emails that should be shared....1. Ahhh...I see the fuck-up fairy has visited us again... 2. I don't know what your problem

πŸ“ Tue Jul 27 2004

Where in the hell have you been?
Short answer: working. Longer answer: I've been learning so much lately that my brain hasn't had the rest period required to post faithfully to this h

πŸ“ Tue Aug 10 2004

In case you didn't know,
CodeSmith r00l3z. I recently did my semi-annual "house cleaning", where instead of just getting rid of all the accumulated crap I've got on my dev box

πŸ“ Tue Aug 17 2004
Okay, so I haven't posted for a while and you don't care. Established. But you've gotta check this out, for real. Francesco SanfilippoΒ has been puttin

πŸ“ Wed Sep 01 2004

Added New Articles
You can find them here or there. One of them was really just a VB.NET version of another article that I wrote a while back that was left in the commen

πŸ“ Sat Sep 11 2004

Embrace and Extend: MikeDub's IUI article
I've beenΒ doing aΒ lot of that lately (embracing and extending).Β SoΒ I'm reading thru Mike's latest article, thinking how can I apply this to an applica

πŸ“ Thu Sep 23 2004

CodeSnip: Getting Currently Playing info from Windows Media Player using the blogging power toy.
I don't know whom this would benefit but someone building a blog posting tool for the desktop, but anyway here's the code that I converted from the js

πŸ“ Tue Sep 28 2004

Happy Birthday, G!
Well, it looks like Gino's enjoying his day... Glad to hear that - you deserve it you old bastard ;) Oh, and btw, I found this out b/c bloglines has a

πŸ“ Wed Oct 06 2004

How Jedi Are you?
:: how jedi are you? ::

πŸ“ Tue Oct 12 2004

I see ya...

πŸ“ Fri Oct 22 2004

PostXING Released.
I finally released my little home-hacked tool to the wild, Thanks to Darren and his awesome Project Distributor. PostXING was originally just somethin

πŸ“ Thu Oct 28 2004

How I use the new "preview template" in PostXING
It starts off (defaults) using something like the following (newlines added for readability): <html><head><link rel='stylesheet' href='

πŸ“ Thu Nov 04 2004

ProjectDistributor rox your sox.
I just can't pimp Darren's new ProjectDistributorΒ enough. Look at the ideas this guy comes up with. Every time I chat with him, something new is comin

πŸ“ Thu Nov 04 2004

Stupid error messages.
I could have sworn I saw this on someone else's blog recently, but I just encountered a pretty dumb error from a hiccup on this very server. I've rece

πŸ“ Thu Nov 11 2004

Sorry - sometimes it's necessary, tho :)

πŸ“ Mon Nov 15 2004

Happy Birthday to me
I'm 24 today :)

πŸ“ Fri Nov 19 2004

Bring Back KLOL!
Β Β Did you wake up to Spanish music? Clear Channel has decided to make a for

πŸ“ Fri Nov 19 2004

CODESNIP - Creating C# like indexers in VB.NET
Well, kind of :) I have a collection that I want to access in C# with an indexer, the only problem is that the collection is written in VB.NET as part

πŸ“ Fri Nov 19 2004

Free Icons at EggHeadCafe
I was doing my early morning googling and came across thisΒ - a set of free icons in the WinXP custom format. Really nice if you want to add that touch

πŸ“ Wed Nov 24 2004

I've got a little pirate.
My son, Ethan, has started pretending to be a pirate sometimes on the weekends that he visits me. This past weekend, he got a sticker from Kroger's an

πŸ“ Wed Nov 24 2004

We've come a long way, baby.
From 1954 Popular Mechanics: [ Currently Playing : Low - Foo Fighters - One by One (04:28) ]

πŸ“ Thu Nov 25 2004

Fact check first, Christopher
Ouch. Looks like I should find out if a picture I post to my blog is authentic or not before posting :$ Robert Scoble This is a well-known hoax. I

πŸ“ Fri Nov 26 2004

Hey Scoble
By the way, Scoble, I do read your blog...I just can't remember everything that gets posted there! Don't you remember posting 60 - 70 items in one nig

πŸ“ Tue Nov 30 2004

Bob wants to see some integration of RssBandit and PostXING. This was an idea I had really early on simply because a lot of the features in PostXING w

πŸ“ Tue Nov 30 2004
I feel like I've hit .net developer's gold. I was searching for a spell checking component and came across this site (with the help of Don Smith). Not

πŸ“ Tue Nov 30 2004

Posted too soon?
It looks like I created (or rather raised an awareness to) a little snafu on ProjectDistributor :/ The latest release of PostXING didn't upload prope

πŸ“ Wed Dec 01 2004

Does this mean I've made it?
It took nearly two years, but it looks like I've posted something interesting enough to show up on the Daily Grind. It's linked over thereΒ as opposed

πŸ“ Thu Dec 02 2004

Prince of Persia 2: the Warrior Within
Damn. That's right, I said Damn. It looks and feels so much like the first one (which I beat about 6 or 7 times without getting tired of it) but Ubi

πŸ“ Fri Dec 03 2004

Wes, you Rock.
Forreal. I had been using a different, "static" library to do syntax highlighting before...Now, if you don't like how a certain language is configured

πŸ“ Fri Dec 03 2004

Darren went and fixed my Project Distributor you can get the latest version of PostXING from the place it was originally released. Thank

πŸ“ Tue Dec 07 2004

Project Distributor: the chicken AND the egg!
Well, it looks like DarrenΒ decided to confuse the hell out of me and make his Project DistributorΒ available for download at guess where? Project Distr

πŸ“ Mon Dec 13 2004

Southpark Me.
South Park Me: (which is not too far away from) Real Me: No, I don't work for Microsoft, but I am wearing this shirt today. I need a shave, don't I?

πŸ“ Thu Dec 16 2004

Paul D. Murphy's Google Juice research
Paul is trying to find out what effect blogs have on google juice. He's decided to coin the term 'consummate asshole' "because it has very little comp

πŸ“ Mon Dec 20 2004

RE: Cross-posting - A new trend?
I started to make this a reply inΒ Shawn's comments, but decided it was getting too long-winded to be a comment. You get a post, Shawn. In his comments

πŸ“ Wed Dec 22 2004

RE: IBlogExtension
Bob wants to see some integration of RssBandit and PostXING. This was an idea I had really early on simply because a lot of the features in P

πŸ“ Thu Dec 30 2004

A couple of releases
So I released a new version of PostXINGΒ , adding support for the new IBlogExtension plugin I was talking about the other day. Oh, I released the BlogT

πŸ“ Fri Dec 31 2004

IPlugin implemented.
So I ended up working out a method to load plugins - it's a hybrid of Royo's Extensibility Application BlockΒ and the method used by RssBandit. Now, I

πŸ“ Tue Jan 04 2005

New customizable version of BlogThisUsingPostXINGPlugin available
This new version of the BlogThisUsingPostXINGPlugin handles customizing the transform used to output into a new Post in PostXING. For example, say I w

πŸ“ Tue Jan 04 2005

RE: new domain name for Aceh Aid What do they need? MONEY of course to pay for the supplies going into Aceh. Macs, lots of macsΒ and digital cameras and more.

πŸ“ Tue Jan 04 2005

Set your FileAccess!
When I was working on the latest release of the BlogThisUsingPostXINGPlugin, I kept running into file access issues. The whole thing was an excersize

πŸ“ Wed Jan 05 2005

How bad do you want spellchecking?
Well, I've implemented it. I figured out a way to have a user-defined dictionary location (very simple implementation), but now I'm still facing the d

πŸ“ Wed Jan 05 2005

RE - MVP Again OR Here Come the "MeToo's"
I just found out that I got the nod for Microsoft MVP again for 2005. I was hoping that would be the case, because I really enjoyed going to the

πŸ“ Thu Jan 06 2005

Extensibility Application Block - a review of an implementation.
Royo asks: I'm interested to know whether you found my Extensibility application block useful, or if you had to make many changes to it to make

πŸ“ Thu Jan 06 2005

RE: I am Nerdier than Paul
I am: Not nerdy, but definitely not hip.

πŸ“ Thu Jan 06 2005

Using the NetSpell plugin for PostXING.
With the latest release of PostXING, a plugin architecture has been added to allow for external extensions such as the new NetSpellPluginΒ that adds sp

πŸ“ Fri Jan 07 2005

RE: Couple of feature requests
Β Couple of feature requests posted by Bob Yexley on 1/7/2005 12:02:04 PM : Hey nice work on the latest version. Spell checking works very nicel

πŸ“ Tue Jan 11 2005

A new feature...
...for PostXING that I should have added a long time ago. It only took roughly 40 lines of code (including gratuitous whitespace). I'll give you a hin

πŸ“ Wed Jan 12 2005

New PostXING release.
I've uploaded a new release of PostXING to ProjectDistributor. This release adds the ability to Load or Save a post as a .htm file, as well as managin

πŸ“ Wed Jan 12 2005

RE: New PostXING release.
I've uploaded a new release of PostXING to ProjectDistributor. This release adds the ability to Load or Save a post as a .htm file, as well a

πŸ“ Thu Jan 13 2005

IBlogExtension, from the other side
I can now use the great IBlogExtension plugins for NewsGator to post with PostXING. (with my built about 10 minutes ago dogfoodΒ version, that is :)Β Th

πŸ“ Mon Jan 17 2005

New PostXING release
I've gone ahead and uploaded a new build of PostXING. I extended the plugin architecture a little bit to allow for posting to non-.Text blog engines

πŸ“ Fri Jan 21 2005

Halo (both of 'em)
I've been playing Halo 2 recently, and I got to a part that reminded me why I lost interest in the first one. Once you get to a certain part of the ga

πŸ“ Fri Jan 21 2005

Score for CS Blogs
I feel like a kid in one of those old milk commercials - you may try to com...ment $p4|\/| me, on....line, but my blog is running CS::Blogs,

πŸ“ Mon Jan 24 2005

Sun's Open letter to IBM.
I am not an expert in this area. Not even close. Wouldn't even call myself an amateur. But I had to stop reading the letterΒ when he says "It's the mos

πŸ“ Sat Jan 29 2005

New PostXING coming soon
With the help of Laurent KempΓ©, I've traced down a bug in the PostXING FTP library (or rather my handling of it) and ended up changing the underlying

πŸ“ Sat Jan 29 2005

RE: This is gonna piss some people off...
So earlier I said "This is gonna piss some people off..." about the EntLib, right? Well, straight from the developer's mouth: Scott Densmore

πŸ“ Sat Jan 29 2005

This is gonna piss some people off...
Going to download the spankin new Enterprise Library, and before you can download you're presented with this: Enterprise Library Your registration i

πŸ“ Tue Feb 01 2005

RE: /aiCAPTCHA article FAQ
<snip>Q: You mean you didnt kill 200K people or change the tilt of the Earth's axis? a: not yet </snip> \[Via \] Class

πŸ“ Wed Feb 02 2005

I recently added Tabbing functionality for indenting/outdenting (hey, it's a trident term :) in my dogfood version of PostXING. Quoting has just becom

πŸ“ Mon Feb 07 2005

They're pretty useless but...
They're fun anyways. Which File Extension are You?

πŸ“ Wed Feb 09 2005

Asian "Just Lose It"
euiyun's Xanga Site - 2/8/2005 9:41:55 PM Always good to see a bunch of Asians "go crazy". (ahahahahah!) Bonus: It looks like it was filmed in good o

πŸ“ Tue Feb 15 2005

Updated my engine.
Well, thanks toΒ Steven's post .Text's MetaWeblog API - Edit Post Error... I am now just a couple of revisions behind the latest incarnation of .Text o

πŸ“ Thu Feb 17 2005

BradA at the Houston .NET UG
Although he only talked about high-level stuff (Exception Handling and Memory Management), I think Brad did a pretty good job. I stopped going to the

πŸ“ Thu Feb 17 2005

Channel 9 guy...
|}34|2 M|2. Scoble, **1 H4v3 K1|}n4pp3|} y0U|2 p|23C10U5 "CH4nn3L 9 6Uy". 1f j00 3v4|2 w4n7 70 533 H1M 4L1v3 4641n, My |}3M4n|}5 MU57 83 M37 1n fULL.

πŸ“ Tue Mar 01 2005

Using OpenSSH tunneling for RealVNC on Windows
I totally geeked out tonight. I was searching for something else and happened upon a tutorial for tunneling VNC on windows, which led me to another a

πŸ“ Tue Mar 15 2005

PostXING feature requests
Teirnan asked for a few features for PostXING. I started to write a comment, but it got too long-winded for a comment. You get a post Sir: Can I help

πŸ“ Wed Mar 16 2005

My comments are broken... a time when people are actually leaving comments. Balls. Josh - I'm checking the vaultpub repository on a clean directory right now, I probably

πŸ“ Wed Mar 16 2005

PostXING's vaultpub works.
This shouldn't have gotten this out of whack, but it did, sorry. I've made sure that all of the folders are inherited now, and tested the get latest v

πŸ“ Thu Mar 17 2005

A little down time...
I'm going to be installing community server here today. There's going to be a little downtime because of that. As if you cared.

πŸ“ Tue Mar 22 2005

Customer Service Message
This is a message that my boss recently sent to a customer that had an issue with one of our software packages (I don't own it :) Brian, in the fin

πŸ“ Thu Mar 24 2005

A little CS hack for the metablog API
Keith told me that CSBlogs was returning relative urls for its Metablog API implementation. After I installed it, I noticed the same thing - so I deci

πŸ“ Thu Mar 24 2005

Enabling styles in CS
Straight from ScottW, I added <MarkUp> <globalAttributes> <class enable = "true" /> <align enable = "true" /> <styl

πŸ“ Sat Mar 26 2005

Running WebMatrix with a Whidbey Beta installed
I took a chance and installed a CTP of Whidbey on my laptop. Thing is, I still use WebMatrix from time to time for POC stuff for v1.x of Pro

πŸ“ Fri Apr 01 2005

Re: Here we go!
Congrats, James! Always good to see someone you knowΒ catch a deal like this. Too bad there are no comments for me to tell him in his blog :P See for y

πŸ“ Sat Apr 02 2005

RE: We're back!
Well, I woke up this morning and found myself back in Roswell, GA. It seems that the Google trip must have been a dream. Don't you just love

πŸ“ Wed Apr 06 2005

Little Tony
I went to go visit with my little (2 1/2 mos) nephew Tony tonight. Here's a couple of pics I snapped on my phone:

πŸ“ Fri Apr 08 2005

New PostXING release
I've added a small usability feature based on some recent feedback. Now, from the Tools -> Options dialog, you can optionally set whether you would

πŸ“ Sat Apr 09 2005

Goodbye, Lynn
One of my coworkers, Lynn Coyle, was found dead in his house this morning. Lynn had diabetes. He was kind of an odd character, but he was a good pers

πŸ“ Fri Apr 15 2005

RE: ObjectDock
Who else out there likes a dock better than the standard windows taskbar? I have been usingΒ StarDock's ObjectDockΒ for a few weeks now and I thi

πŸ“ Tue Apr 19 2005

CS::Blogs: allowing anonymous comments
I don't know if this will post with the source, but I've got this link that may save someone the trouble of searching CS forums for an answer: http://

πŸ“ Thu Apr 21 2005

RE: Digital Pontification - Podcast Show Notes (4/21)
I want to second Jason's nomination (below in bold). This morning I was trying to figure out how to port Sql Express data to Sql Server 2000, and Wall

πŸ“ Mon Apr 25 2005

ObjectDataSource goodness.
SinceΒ there are probably going to be a lot of posts about all things Whidbey soon, as people get more and more chance to play with things, I've decide

πŸ“ Fri Apr 29 2005

PSKit - FormView initial thoughts
I've been playing with the Personal Website Starter Kit a little bit lately. One thing that I didn't like about it from the start was that the content

πŸ“ Thu May 05 2005

RE: Announcing Subtext, A Fork Of .TEXT For Your Blogging Pleasure
Awesome.Β I had a feelingΒ I was going to see something like this sooner or later.

πŸ“ Thu May 12 2005

On Community Support give and you shall recieve
I use Azureus as my bittorrent client. It has this nifty feature that is similar to the Updater Application Block that will automatically check for a

πŸ“ Wed May 18 2005

PSKit: Replacing that pesky Lorem Ipsum text with dynamic content
The Personal Website Starter Kit is a great resource for getting up and running with 2.0 beta. I've been using it to check out some features

πŸ“ Mon May 23 2005

A couple of PostXING ideas
Thanks to Sir Wally for the first's simple really, Wally just asked if I would cache a list of the categories for each configured blog to ai

πŸ“ Mon May 23 2005

Ever looked back in time?
I've been doing just that on my blogs - way back to when this one was hosted on Geez, I was such a dork...okay,Β maybe I'm stillΒ a

πŸ“ Tue May 24 2005

To those that care...
I.e. Both of you...I've changed the repository structure of PostXING on vaultpub to better facilitate branching. These crazy new ideas I've been havi

πŸ“ Wed May 25 2005

We're back online!
It seems that there was a major power failure yesterday: at least a few city blocks. For those that don't know, a city block in Houston is a pretty b

πŸ“ Fri May 27 2005

Converting a Base64 String to an image
Do you ever get an email that has some base64 gobbledegook in it? A lot of times, based on MIME information directly preceding this junk, it's actua

πŸ“ Fri May 27 2005

If I only knew then...
Not what I know now, but what I'm learning now. I recently picked up a copy of the src to FlexWikiPad. I just wanted to see how things were wired tog

πŸ“ Fri Jun 10 2005

A new face for PostXING
I didn't go too too far, I think. It's definitely a step in the right direction, tho: I don't know why I've opted to start at the top and go down..

πŸ“ Fri Jun 10 2005

PostXING development
I've been working a little on my plugin/provider idea on PostXING. Currently, I have it building, but I've had to disable some of the post-build com

πŸ“ Wed Jun 15 2005

Greasmonkey goodies; embrace and extend
Thanks to Alex, I checked out a great application of GreasemonkeyΒ - the Gmail Delete Button. Of course, I had to look at the script since it's just

πŸ“ Wed Jun 15 2005

PostXING Answers for Yex
Yex sez: Β Nice. So where's the Categories, Post, Post and Publish and Crosspost buttons at? Where's the post editing toolbar? When can we get o

πŸ“ Wed Jun 15 2005

RE: This is just a test
Nice! Lookin good, Don! I personally have had firewall issues with FTP (what a beast!) and have yet to find an opensource SFTP (ftp as a subset of s

πŸ“ Thu Jun 16 2005

ReverseDOS in Community Server
After another slew of referrer/comment spam that showed up in my blog this morning, I went ahead and downloaded Mike's ReverseDOS. I followed the st

πŸ“ Fri Jun 17 2005

Blogging API commonalities
Here is some of the common ground I can see between the metaweblog api and CS::Blogs BlogService asmx. Blog/Authentication: UserName Password

πŸ“ Sun Jun 19 2005

Maybe I'm Amazed
Tina asked me to learn this Paul McCartney I cheated :) That's it. This was purely so I didn't forget the url. Nothing technical to see here

πŸ“ Mon Jun 20 2005

PostXING and interfaces
I feel like I'm going nuts with interfaces in the next version of PostXING. Interfaces are a language feature that is really powerful - you don't real

πŸ“ Thu Jun 23 2005

CS::Blogs : beware the permission set
So I got some feedback about PostXINGΒ saying that someone who had setup multiple blogsΒ with CS::BlogsΒ was getting the wrong blog back while trying to

πŸ“ Thu Jun 23 2005

ReverseDOS: 8 days later
If you are running your own blogging engine and you support comments/trackbacks/pingbacks, go get ReverseDOS. Right now. I'll wait. Back alrea

πŸ“ Sat Jun 25 2005

What's this? PostXING can post to dasBlog?
I saw that Jeff got things up and running with PostXING (sorry again about the whole BlogInfo[0] thing) when I looked at the url. What's this? dasBlog

πŸ“ Mon Jun 27 2005

ReverseDOS attracting ire...
I'm seeing a little trend - I delete comment spam as soon as it gets to any of my weblogs, so I don't have any hard numbers - posts that I have writte

πŸ“ Fri Jul 01 2005

Dangerously close... having something that actually works :)Β Do you think I'm going a little nuts with the logo?

πŸ“ Sat Jul 02 2005

ReverseDOS Configuration for CS::Blogs revisited
I just set up CS::Blogs 1.1 on my server over hereΒ and I wanted to keep ReverseDOS going for it. So I just copied over the settings from my web.config

πŸ“ Tue Jul 05 2005

Free at last... at last, thank God Almighty: I am free at last.

πŸ“ Thu Jul 07 2005

Object cannot be stored in an array of this type.
This was the error that was biting me on PostXING v2 for almost a week (I usually only get insomnia hours to debug. That can be frustrating.) The fir

πŸ“ Wed Jul 13 2005

Divelements SandDock 2.0
Was just released. In the newsletter, it said that you can use a DocumentContainer (tabs) outside of a SandDockManager - simple tabbing with the same

πŸ“ Wed Jul 13 2005

I feel like a commercial
but I did switch to geico and I'm going to save a rediculous amount from my current insurance provider. To the tune of nearly $2,000 a year. Plus, the

πŸ“ Wed Jul 13 2005

My favorite Top 11 Country Songs
GET-R-DONE!Β My favorite Top 11 Country Songs 11. If The Phone Don't Ring, You'll Know It's Me. 10. How Can I Miss You If You Won't Go Away 9. I Liked

πŸ“ Thu Jul 14 2005

Set the passive port range for IIS ftp I've needed this a couple of times, what better way to find it? ;)

πŸ“ Mon Jul 18 2005

Saving an embedded resource xml file at runtime in C#
I couldn't find a cut & dry solution to this (probably b/c it's too simple for anyone to think they would need an example) so here's how I got an xml

πŸ“ Tue Jul 19 2005

Ethan and Mama re
Welcome to the poor man's vblog...a link with text :) I took this video on my digital camera the other day. It'sΒ 2:41. I thought I'd post it up here s

πŸ“ Fri Jul 22 2005

Clearly a windows user...
[ Currently Playing : Night Bird Flying - Jimi Hendrix - Experience Hendrix (3:50) ]

πŸ“ Fri Jul 22 2005

You're Welcome! Β :D [ Currently Playing : Suite-Pee - System of a Down - System of a Down (2:32) ]

πŸ“ Sat Jul 23 2005

Applesauce tastes gooood.
Indeed. Applesause tastes goood. [ Currently Playing : Audioslave / Number 1 Zero - Audioslave - Out Of Exile (05:01) ]

πŸ“ Sat Jul 23 2005

Ethan's got some money...
Ethan went to go play with his friend Emma today. Emma's older sister gave Ethan 11Β’. That's right, the older sister. That boy Ethan...:D [ Current

πŸ“ Wed Jul 27 2005

RE - Blog APIs
Darren's looking for ideas on how to migrate data from one blog engine to the next. This has been discussed before a lot, I'm sure, but it's not a ba

πŸ“ Thu Jul 28 2005

Earlier I said: call them "labels" or "tags" but give me a way to categorize my thoughts. Please. Thanks, Atom 1.0Β  [ Currently Playing : A Mess

πŸ“ Fri Aug 05 2005

A week already
Well, it's been a week now since I handed over my pip-squeak back to his mom. I gotta say, I miss him a lot. Having him around every day and then all

πŸ“ Wed Aug 10 2005

Insanely simple GradientPanel for WinForms
This has probably been done a hundred times already, but I couldn't find one in the first few pages of google results, so I wrote my own in ~40 lines

πŸ“ Fri Aug 26 2005

Dual booting Linux Redhat 9 and Windows XP using a CD
We have a couple of legacy applications here, written in C++, that have always run on windows and *nix. In order to support the *nix versions, we alw

πŸ“ Mon Sep 05 2005

Darren and BlogML
A few weeks ago I wanted to release an update to my own blogging engine and, because there was a minor data change I thoughtΒ that it would be

πŸ“ Tue Sep 06 2005

RE - Google maps .NET control
Check out this code project article with code for a Google Maps .NET control. very cool and handy stuff. and there are some demos here. [Via Ti

πŸ“ Wed Sep 07 2005

Hazaa! 0 unread feeds in my subscriptions
I took a week off from reading blogs last week (as is evidenced by my responding to week-old posts). I ended up having about 600-700 unread posts in

πŸ“ Wed Sep 07 2005

RE - RSS Bandit [Nightcrawler Edition] Alpha Progress Report
By the way Torsten has started an RSS Bandit new logo design contest and we'd appreciate your comments. It seems a lot of our users who use RSS Bandit

πŸ“ Wed Sep 07 2005

RE - is dead
Anybody else find that MS has so much crap going on that it's hardΒ keep tabsΒ on aΒ single, solid, resources to use to keep up to speed on thing

πŸ“ Thu Sep 08 2005

It's fixed.
Yesterday I realized that I was having issues with anonymous users posting comments to my CS site. After going over the code a little bit, what I did

πŸ“ Thu Sep 08 2005

This is getting fixed. Today.
Β I noticed that I haven't gotten any comments on my blog in a while. Granted, I haven't posted in a while, either, but come on! There's gotta be at l

πŸ“ Fri Sep 09 2005

PostXING v2? Where's the goods?
Ah, the joys of writing open source software :/ I had been working hard on v2 of PostXING, but somehow development has stagnated on my end quite a bi

πŸ“ Fri Sep 09 2005

Virtual Earth for commercial apps
Ha! Look at that!Β I totally called it. [ Currently Playing : All You Need - Sublime - Stand By Your Van Live (2:44) ]

πŸ“ Mon Sep 12 2005

Eric is a stand-up guy.
Eric is my friend Peyman's roommate in Austin. He's a stand-up guy. Trust me on this.

πŸ“ Wed Sep 14 2005

My Weekend
This is definitely filed under "As if you cared". My friend Peyman had a little gathering at his new house in Austin this past weekend. I've been to q

πŸ“ Sun Sep 18 2005

Ethan and Cody at the beach
I took Ethan and my cousin Cody to the beach today. I got them some du-rags and ninja swords, so they could play pirates. They had a sword fight on th

πŸ“ Wed Sep 21 2005

Expected downtime
Just to let both of you know - I'm expecting some downtime this weekend for . See, I live in Houston and we've got a little stor

πŸ“ Wed Sep 21 2005

Houstonians are starting to panic.
I just got back from the gas station to get some sodas before everything runs out, and this is what I saw: [[photo lost :( My little phone wasn't ab

πŸ“ Fri Sep 30 2005

Starting to dogfood PostXING v2.
I figured that 27 test posts were enough to actually publish one. This thing hasn't even reached feature parity with v1, but if you both see this pos

πŸ“ Mon Oct 03 2005

RE - Microsoft Codename "Spang"
Just been shown something Microsoft are working on called "Spang" it's UNREAL. When "Spang" comes out you'll all be so much happier, wish I

πŸ“ Tue Oct 11 2005

Creating a Google Maps .NET Control
Choice Quote: Β Now that I have actually used XSL in a project I've come to this conclusion: XSL is the Devil. Go Check it Out. It's an interesti

πŸ“ Wed Oct 12 2005

Visual Studio Editor, how you mock me.
I've been chasing down this odd Visual StudioΒ bug where the Enter, Backspace, and Arrow keys stop working. It happened to me in Redmond at Microsoft

πŸ“ Wed Oct 19 2005

How not to use the PictureBox control.
I was having this problem in an application that I've been working on where I was drawing data points onto a PictureBox control - kind of like a canv

πŸ“ Thu Oct 20 2005

Guess who's going to the World Series?
Fan-freakin-tastic. w00t!

πŸ“ Thu Oct 27 2005

Β Viral Marketing: VistaDB 2.1 database for .NET has been releasedThis 2.1 update includes over 60 improvements, including new support for .NET 2.0 and

πŸ“ Thu Oct 27 2005

Zeppelin - Babe I'm gonna leave you
IΒ know I've figured out a fun song when my left hand hurts after playing. That hasn't happened for a loong time. I was playing my guitar, trying to s

πŸ“ Fri Nov 04 2005

Ctrl+K, X
Is the insert snippet chord in VS 2005.

πŸ“ Mon Nov 07 2005

ToolStripColorButton - a WinForms 2.0 Control
Disclaimer: the code for showing the color menu is totally ripped off of a CodeProject article. I just took the ColorPanel part and parented it with a

πŸ“ Wed Nov 09 2005 and BOM
I'm using xml-rpc.netΒ as the library that supports xml-rpc for the MetaWeblog api in PostXING. I recently ran into a service endpoint that included a

πŸ“ Thu Nov 10 2005

Woe unto the COM-referencing VS2005 Winforms Designer
One or more errors encountered while loading the designer. The errors are listed below. Some errors can be fixed by rebuilding your project, while oth

πŸ“ Tue Nov 15 2005

RE - PostXING Review - Yet Another Blog Posting Client
Ah! It's been a while since I've gotten some good PostXING feedback. Guess the current version isn't very keyboard-friendly. I'm probably not going t

πŸ“ Wed Nov 16 2005

PostXING Sux.
And I know it. I haven't updated the binaries on ProjectDistributor for a long time because I've been taking my time writing v2. Thing is, it's start

πŸ“ Wed Nov 16 2005

RE - MetaWeblog API beta for MSN Spaces chugs along
Since announcing that we've started the beta of our implementation of the MetaWeblog API for MSN Spaces, I've received a bunch of positive res

πŸ“ Thu Nov 17 2005

PostXING - Recent Fixes
NEW: "PostXING" in about page now links to NEW: FTP Settings page now is labeled as such. This was confusing in the new user wizard. FI

πŸ“ Thu Nov 17 2005

RE - 8 Steps to Better Windows Applications
In an attempt to work on steps 7 and 8 inΒ Grant Holliday's Blog, I've started a community serverΒ site for PostXING. It's lite on content at the momen

πŸ“ Fri Nov 18 2005

Jim Ross Dies
Our prayers are with you, Jim. I only met Jim in real life one time, and he gave me a ride to my hotel on my first visit to Washington. He lived 5 hou

πŸ“ Thu Nov 24 2005

Two years ago...
..the idea for PostXING began. Wow. I still hack it every now and then, but I don't devote nearly as much time as I used to. I'm hoping that the new

πŸ“ Wed Dec 07 2005

Forcing the DataGridView to do my bidding - a tale of ComboBox hackery
sigh Winforms team, winforms team, when will you start making my lifeΒ easier? As others have saidΒ (and I completely agree )Β is prett

πŸ“ Wed Dec 07 2005

PostXING conversation with Peter Provost continues...
Peter gives me some awesome feedback: Hey man. Glad to know you're listening. I really think that PostXING could rock with a little more TLC. Yo

πŸ“ Wed Dec 07 2005

PostXING - Offline Categories
Peter, bro, you must be inspirin' or something. I hope I didn't miss anything (it was one of those "it can't be that easyΒ©" deals), but I'll just let

πŸ“ Sat Dec 10 2005

This is pretty cool: System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkChange.NetworkAddressChanged += new System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkAddressChangedEvent

πŸ“ Mon Dec 12 2005

NetVibe - listen for network changes and execute a script.
A few people asked for the source code/a download for the little widget I whipped up on Friday, so I spent this morning adding a little bit of persist

πŸ“ Tue Dec 13 2005

MSN Spaces opens up MetaWeblog API support
And now I can post there with PostXINGΒ (v2). Dare has put up a couple of tutorials on how to setup Metablog support for w.bloggar and BlogJet. Since

πŸ“ Wed Dec 21 2005

Yahoo! Widgets (Konfabulator) 3.0.2
I wanted to install the newest version of Konfabulator to one of my computers, so I went to and tried to install the latest vers

πŸ“ Fri Dec 23 2005

PostXING v2 alpha and proxies
I'd like to apologize if any users of PostXINGΒ have to go thru proxies...I've been bugchasing this evening and it occurred to me that specifying a pr

πŸ“ Wed Jan 11 2006

MVP Again
So I got selected for the MVP award again this year. Many thanks to BenMi, who has been an awesome lead this whole time. You rock, dude. I was also a

πŸ“ Fri Jan 13 2006

Got my new glasses
Strictly filed under "As if you cared". [ Currently Playing : Audioslave / Out Of Exile - Audioslave - Out Of Exile (4:53) ]

πŸ“ Tue Jan 17 2006

MonoDevelop to get a Design-Enabled
It's for glade3, but having a designer will definitely get me looking at Mono again. [ Currently Playing : Motel of the white locust - Glassjaw - Eve

πŸ“ Thu Jan 19 2006

RE - PostXING - Better Keyboard Support
Heh, oops. This is what happens when the tool that you are building is the same tool you are using to make tech notes to yourself.* Really, there sho

πŸ“ Fri Jan 20 2006

Gmail Delete Button
Broseph. This was the first thing that I requested from gmail, and they've taken it up a notch - instead of only deleting messages, it notifies you i

πŸ“ Tue Jan 24 2006

Thanks, RssBandit.
RssBandit has been a big inspiration for some of the specific features of PostXING. As a matter of fact, where possible I've used code from RssBandit

πŸ“ Thu Jan 26 2006

MSBuild - Date-based build number blues
According to this thread, Microsoft may run into visioning problems if they stick with their new build number scheme (major.minor.yMMdd.revision) nex

πŸ“ Sat Jan 28 2006

CIDR Notation Cheat Sheet
CIDRΒ  Β  Β  Β  Total numberΒ  Β  Network Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Description:Notation: Β of addresses: Β Mask:--------------------------------------------------

πŸ“ Mon Jan 30 2006

All In Your Head - DJ Fred Castillo
This is in the year 2004BB (Before Beard) [ Currently Playing : Just A Memory Featuring The C - The Notorious B.I.G - (4:30) ]

πŸ“ Sat Feb 11 2006

This is a private boolean member of the new BackgroundWorker class in .NET 2.0. If it were public, perhaps there would be less questions like this on

πŸ“ Tue Feb 14 2006

Subversion on Windows
I've been wanting to setup subversionΒ for PostXINGΒ for a while so I can have more control over who has commit access and various adminy tasks that ar

πŸ“ Wed Feb 15 2006

Got My ASP.NET Podcast Shirt
I got my ASP.NET Podcast shirt, and there's a lot of Wally to be had it seems... You can't really tell from this pic, but the image of Wally takes

πŸ“ Mon Feb 20 2006

FIX - Design View error in VS 2005
Here's a link to the hotfix for the winforms designer error that looks like this: One or more errors encountered while loading the designer. The

πŸ“ Wed Mar 01 2006

PostXING plugin - MetaPinger
Well, it turns out that PostXING's mystery plugin author is none other than Taras Naumtsev, and Taras is on fire! Check out the new MetaPinger plugin

πŸ“ Wed Mar 01 2006

PostXING plugin - TechnoratiTagger
Holy Schnikeys! Someone has actually built a plugin for PostXING! Ladies and gentlemen, Allow me to introduce the TechnoratiTagger plugin for PostXIN

πŸ“ Tue Mar 07 2006

Source, are you useful again?
testing source update: nope. update2: almost: I get a reference to the source, but it's based with the skin's control directory. update3: BAM! gotta

πŸ“ Tue Mar 07 2006

SubText, BlogML, and PostXING
This is the end result after setting up SubText and importing my old blog (now moved to here). I had created a blogML exporter for cs11Β and ran into

πŸ“ Thu Mar 09 2006

PostXING - It's Beta Time!
For the adventurous among you, we've decided to release beta 1 of PostXINGΒ available for download at ProjectDistributor! There are a few known issu

πŸ“ Fri Mar 10 2006

RE - What is with
I had tried to reply to this post on WinExtra, but it errored out on me. So, here's what the comment said: Blogger uses Atom feeds located at http://b

πŸ“ Sun Mar 12 2006

BackgroundWorker.isRunning - take two
I can't believe nobody called me on this: BackgroundWorker.IsBusy Property Reflector says it does exactly what I was looking for in a previous post.

πŸ“ Mon Mar 13 2006

Quick shoutout to
I've got weak regex skillz. I'll admit it. I don't use them very much, so when I do need to, it's nice to know that regexlib is sitting there, waitin

πŸ“ Mon Mar 13 2006

tΓ«sting Γ»nΓ―code
Sorry I keep putting out these tests, but I'm trying to see what different regexes will do to a friendly url in subtext. Nothing more to see here. [ C

πŸ“ Tue Mar 14 2006

RE - SecurePasswordTextBox update
This looks interesting. I thought Mr. "Just finished my last chapter of Beginning AJAX" would have for sure created this as an control...gues

πŸ“ Mon Mar 20 2006

NetVibe - Listen for SSID change
I've updated the NetVibe source with a mildly useful update: listening for changes in SSID as well as IP Addresses. The source is hosted at http://ch

πŸ“ Fri Mar 31 2006

Visual Studio 2005 Designer - Touchy, Thouchy!
If you do anything "out of the ordinary" in your UserControl or Form derived classes in Visual Studio 2005, let me introduce you to a little snippet

πŸ“ Fri Apr 14 2006

the yield statement - not so mysterious after all?
Using Yield in PracticeThe moral of the story is STOP thinking so hard about it, just use "yield return" the next piece of data in the list.Β 

πŸ“ Thu May 04 2006

Getting a temporary filename the easy way
If you need to generate temporary / semi-unique filenames, here is a little snippet that uses the framework: using System.IO; string GetTempFileNam

πŸ“ Thu May 04 2006

Getting a temporary filename the easy way - feedback
Jerry Pisk Path.GetTempFileName() guarantees that you will get an available name, it does actually go ahead and create the file so it is gua

πŸ“ Thu May 04 2006

I Flipped a Coin
Β Heads: Shave the beard off entirely. Tails: just trim it down a little. The coin flips... and... Heads it is.Β  [ Currently Playing : imagine - Joh

πŸ“ Wed May 10 2006

PostXING - Shameless request for feedback I'm about to start cracking on this issue, but I'd love to get a little feedback on it before I

πŸ“ Fri May 12 2006

RE - Bad news gets worse
How do you say goodbye? One hand squeeze at a time. [Via Scobleizer Microsoft Geek Blogger] So what do you do when a blogger you read comes up on

πŸ“ Tue Jun 06 2006

Community Server 2.0 BlogML Converter Beta - success!
I'm a little bit behind on my CS releases, as I just got around to installing a fresh copy of Community Server 2.0 to test things out for one of my s

πŸ“ Tue Jun 13 2006

We'll miss you, Mr. Holmquist.
My high school principal died on Monday. This is surreal. It feels like it was just last week that I was skipping class and getting a pep talk from

πŸ“ Thu Jun 29 2006

Step your game up, Microsoft.
Unfortunately, the rants about WGA causing a bluescreen are true. It happened a little while ago on my home PC. Thankfully, F8 booting into safemode

πŸ“ Sat Jul 08 2006

Gaffling that ribbon style
Close enough. This should be fun.

πŸ“ Fri Jul 14 2006

What's this? My Application won't Exit?
There are a few things that have to happen for this "regression" to show up. First, you have to be working in .net 2.0 WinForms. Second, you must be u

πŸ“ Thu Jul 20 2006

Whip it Real Hard
Last night I got an impromtu text message saying that Ghostface KillahΒ was playing at Warehouse live downtown. As a Wu-Tang fan, I decided to go out

πŸ“ Fri Aug 11 2006

RE Finding calling method using reflection
Exactly what I was looking for...I don't know a lot about reflection, so I wonder if there is a more elegant way to get this info.

πŸ“ Thu Aug 17 2006

Windows Live Writer
It looks pretty neat. I really dig the "type inside the preview" Web Layout. That's just sweet. The plugin support looks promising...I've already s

πŸ“ Tue Aug 22 2006

RE - What about PostXING?
I love the PostXING tool and the ability to integrate the playing music. Feature wise they are all about the same though. So it will interesti

πŸ“ Mon Sep 11 2006


πŸ“ Thu Mar 08 2007

SubSonic Scaffold control - a GridView with Class
So I've been able to dig my teeth into some hacking recently, and I've been wrestling with learning to use SubSonic in the process. In deali

πŸ“ Thu Mar 15 2007

ASP.NET - UrlRewriting with PathInfo and base urls
I read this excellent post from ScottGu and decided to use it with a page that implemented a masterpage. I didn't have to use postbacks in my scenari

πŸ“ Thu Mar 22 2007

skmMenu code change to work with xhtml doctypes
This is just a re-statement of a forum thread that discusses the fix, but since gotdotnet is not going to be around very much longer I thought I'd po

πŸ“ Thu Mar 22 2007

Windows Updates Make Me Nervous
Β hehe... Rather surprised by the new 'updates are ready' message from Microsoft. Hmmm. Perhaps they know just how much frustration we had on t

πŸ“ Wed Apr 25 2007

Exposing Hidden Events
I recently ran into a neat little nugget of functionality in C# with events. Normally in C# when we define events we stop at something like this: pu

πŸ“ Fri May 25 2007

Sql Server Management Studio Express - you suck.
I would like to know who thought it was a good idea to remove "import data..." and "export data..." from this particular flavor of the worst front en

πŸ“ Thu Jun 07 2007

So quiet...
...and so dark in here.

πŸ“ Fri Jun 29 2007

Christopher is ...
posted up watchin Shrek 2 with Ethan.:) Β 

πŸ“ Wed Jul 25 2007

Paul Stovell has lost his marbles.
[note: this started as a comment but started getting a little long-winded. what follows is a little gentle ribbing of Paul for a recent post he wrote

πŸ“ Fri Jul 27 2007

Setting up a new External to Internal IP mapping on OpenBSD
This is correct for version 3.9 of OpenBSD, but the rules are simple enough that the idea will upgrade if necessary later. In order to complete this,

πŸ“ Wed Nov 14 2007

Blog Moving
I noticed that a handful of people are still subscribed to this little ol' weblog. Well, I've decided to start fresh at a new url

πŸ“ Wed Nov 14 2007

As a thanx you to Sir WallyΒ for kicking me in the butt to start blogging again, I'm linking to a site he told me about called that he

πŸ“ Wed Nov 14 2007

O Hai.
and welcome to my new blog. :)

πŸ“ Sun Nov 25 2007

Darren Neimke on building ajax applications in
Darren Neimke talks about building ajax applications, both with and without a button to intercept...Darren has this way of explaining things in a way

πŸ“ Wed Nov 28 2007

Guitar Hero - Pros
pros indeed. Unfortunately, there are no Jimi Hendrix tracks on any of the Guitar Hero/Rock Band games. I really hope that changes some day. There is

πŸ“ Thu Dec 13 2007

DataGridView ColorPicker using a DataGridViewButtonColumn
It's not often that I get the opportunity to blog about something neat that I learned to do in winforms so you know I gotta, even tho it's not totally

πŸ“ Wed Jan 02 2008

Cheap Thrillz - TortoiseSVN overlay icons in Windows Vista
Step1: install tortoisesvn. Step2: open file dialog in (2008 at least) Step3: XD update: looks like the tortoisesvn team brought back thos

πŸ“ Thu Jan 24 2008

Oh, she amazed me!
Effing brilliant.

πŸ“ Tue Feb 05 2008

Bring it on!
31 Β 

πŸ“ Wed Feb 20 2008

Error - Could not open the requested SVN filesystem
When trying to connect to a new subversion repository over apache 2.0 using subversion 1.4.5. Error number:165005 Looked at the error log for apache,

πŸ“ Wed May 14 2008

Professional Ribbon control for Windows Forms
Open source (MSPL) Ribbon that actually has some potential, despite the currently incomplete coverage of ribbon features. It's a winforms control, and

πŸ“ Wed May 21 2008

Welcome Back, Dare
...and thank goodness that hiatus is over. XD

πŸ“ Mon Jun 23 2008

jQuery - There is no spoon
I've been working with javascript almost since its inception. It was the first language that I ever really hacked in. I remember having to code around

πŸ“ Thu Jul 03 2008

Good Luck, Yex
Godspeed buddy. XD

πŸ“ Tue Sep 30 2008

Houston ALT.NET Geek Dinner - Thursday Oct 2nd
I'll be there.

πŸ“ Thu Nov 13 2008

SubSonic 3.0 preview 2
me likey.

πŸ“ Sat Nov 22 2008

Andre 3 stacks in NY
Andre 3 stacks in NY Originally uploaded by blue_fenix I ran into Andre 3000 last time I went to NYC. Really down to earth dude. -- -Christopher

πŸ“ Sat Nov 22 2008

RAWR! Originally uploaded by blue_fenix RAWR! I eats teh turkee, you no has tanksgiving nao. Halp! -- -Christopher |

πŸ“ Sat Dec 20 2008

Ethan's got holiday spirit!
Ethan's got holiday spirit!, originally uploaded by blue_fenix. Hehe jingle this! Ethan just turned 7, and he's missing a bottom tooth! -- -Chr

πŸ“ Sun Jan 25 2009

The Don Juan EspeciΓ‘l
The Don Juan EspeciΓ‘l, originally uploaded by blue_fenix. Breakfast taco Nirvana from Juan in a million, Austin, TX -- -Christopher | bluefenix

πŸ“ Fri Jan 30 2009

Ethan's a little snagglepuss!
Ethan's a little snagglepuss!, originally uploaded by blue_fenix. -- -Christopher |

πŸ“ Tue Feb 03 2009

February ALT.NET Geek Dinner
I'll be there.

πŸ“ Fri Feb 20 2009

Ethan & Ricky pup!
Ethan & Ricky pup!, originally uploaded by blue_fenix. -- -Christopher |

πŸ“ Thu Feb 26 2009

at the Rockets game vs Cleveland
@ the Rockets game vs Cleveland, originally uploaded by blue_fenix. -- -Christopher |

πŸ“ Tue Mar 03 2009

New ink - Hook ups girl
New ink: Hook ups girl, originally uploaded by blue_fenix. She's a hottie, ain't she? XD -- -Christopher |

πŸ“ Wed Mar 18 2009

Kevin Devine @ Mohawk's
Kevin Devine @ Mohawk's #sxsw, originally uploaded by blue_fenix. From Brooklyn. -- -Christopher |

πŸ“ Thu Apr 09 2009

New ink - hacker emblem
New ink: hacker emblem, originally uploaded by blue_fenix. -- -Christopher |

πŸ“ Fri Apr 17 2009

New ink - killer octopus!
New ink: killer octopus!, originally uploaded by blue_fenix. Ink by Rob of Nice Guyz. -- -Christopher |

πŸ“ Thu Apr 23 2009

New ink - Japanese devil mask!
New ink: Japanese devil mask!, originally uploaded by blue_fenix. Ink by Rob of Nice Guyz. Arigato gozai mashta! XD -- -Christopher | bluefenix

πŸ“ Mon Jul 27 2009

Homemade Don Juan Especial!
Homemade Don Juan Especial!, originally uploaded by blue_fenix. I haven't been to Austin, tx in a while and was craving my favorite brakfast taco fr

πŸ“ Sat Aug 29 2009

Bankai! New ink - Kurosaki Ichigo hollow mask
Bankai! New ink - Kurosaki Ichigo hollow mask, originally uploaded by blue_fenix. -- -Christopher |

πŸ“ Sat Oct 03 2009

Ethan and Lord Nobleton!
Ethan and Lord Nobleton!, originally uploaded by blue_fenix.

πŸ“ Tue Dec 29 2009

Deran Schilling, Learner
Check this: "AutoMapper ASP.NET MVC" on Deran Schilling, Learner. I've been catching up on Deran's posts about his wife's portfolio site. I'm quite e

πŸ“ Tue Dec 29 2009

What to do if your Windows 2008 install won't activate complaining about no KMS server
Basically this is what happened:The MSDN subscriptions version of Windows Server 2008 installs by default using KMS (Key Management Service).The key

πŸ“ Thu Feb 18 2010

Scanning for Test implementation classes using StructureMap with xunit
I have an xunitΒ test project that is using hand-rolled stubs as concrete implementations of interfaces. StructureMap is the DI container I'm using. I

πŸ“ Fri Mar 05 2010

How to resolve a binary file conflict with Git Thank you for that! Although the

πŸ“ Tue Apr 06 2010

Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider. It may not be installed.
this happened to me using subsonic on an x64 machine. adding the x64 binary to /bin and adding the above to my web.config got me sorted.

πŸ“ Tue Apr 20 2010

Sunburst Font & Color scheme for Visual Studio 2010
Here is a clone of the TextMate theme "Sunburst" for Visual Studio 2010: I just guessed on the

πŸ“ Tue Jun 22 2010

ASP.NET MVC - Faking ControllerContext to test HttpContext.Current.User and IPrincipal
This was pretty straightforward but I didn't find it written up anywhere on the web so here goes. What follows is how I addressed testing IPrincipal

πŸ“ Thu Sep 30 2010

GIT flow on windows 7 with msysgit
this is outlined on github by psampaio: I managed to get git flow working with msysGit, but needed some hacks on my setup. First, I copied all the

πŸ“ Fri Mar 09 2012

Underbelly project in my living room
It started when I saw a piece from the underbelly project NYC by :01. It inspired me. I think it's beautiful. So I made a transparency of it to cut m

πŸ“ Sat Mar 31 2012


πŸ“ Mon Jul 02 2012

Using git flow with github for windows
I like github for windows. Seriously, they did a great job with it - kudos, Phil. I like that it has an updateable bash shell ala msysgit. I also like

πŸ“ Sun Jul 07 2013

what, no getopt? Every time github for windows updates, I lose git-flow. The portable git that is extracted with the install doesn't include getopt.

Here's the most recent way I've kept git-flow on my windows 8 machines and up in my life.

πŸ“ Tue Jul 16 2013

github flow
What is github flow? I will let them explain that. I guess the basic idea is to simplify the way git flow encourages you to organize branches. I'm g

instead of fighting with hidden directories to keep git flow functional with github for windows, I've decided to just simplify.

πŸ“ Sun Jul 28 2013

Wheelers for a cause
Went to Texas Off Road Ranch in Huntsville with tx4wd to have a little fun run. The for a cause part was for 5th ward dogs so we brought dog food for

πŸ“ Mon May 12 2014

Hello. How ya durrin?

πŸ“ Wed Aug 06 2014

Opening Visual Studio with Rake
There are probably several ways to do this, here’s how I did. rakefile.rb: DIR = File.dirname(FILE) desc "Starts Visual Studio with the project solu

πŸ“ Mon Aug 25 2014

Did I lose that post?
Looks like I did. Oh well. You'll never see the glory of that shitty post. Fuck it.

πŸ“ Mon Aug 25 2014

I forgot.
About 6 years ago I joined twitter. I found an outlet for random ideas with a small constraint: 140 characters or less. And I abused the fuck out of i

πŸ“ Wed Oct 07 2015

Debian Linux
how I got up and running with a dual-boot configuration in a day.

πŸ“ Wed Oct 07 2015

switched engines again
extended babbling about changing blog enginges for maybe the dozenth time.

πŸ“ Tue Apr 05 2016

Running 1Password on Debian Linux
How I got 1Password for Windows running on Debian Linux

πŸ“ Wed Apr 20 2016

the only constant...

πŸ“ Sun Apr 24 2016

Electric word life. it means forever and that's a mighty long time.

πŸ“ Sat Apr 30 2016

San Juan
going to Puerto Rico rn XD

πŸ“ Tue May 17 2016

angle between three points
This was a task I had to complete to attempt to find a right angle from 3 cartesian coordinates, +/- 5 degrees. Of course the first place I looked w

πŸ“ Wed May 18 2016

Por seguro…
fuck yeah bro.

πŸ“ Tue Jun 07 2016

Unable to activate albacore-2.5.13
Unable to activate albacore-2.5.13, because rake-11.1.2 conflicts with rake (~> 10) I had recently updated Ruby to version 2.3, which updated rake t

πŸ“ Thu Dec 15 2016

Making Windows the default operating system in grub 2
tl;dr: change GRUB_DEFAULT=0 to the zero-based index of the Windows entry in the grub config file. Windows updates seem to be happening at least onc

πŸ“ Sun Aug 20 2017

Liquid Exception: no implicit conversion of Array into String in _layouts
"Liquid Exception: no implicit conversion of Array into String in /\_layouts/post.html" I was attempting to finally add an archive page to my jekyll

πŸ“ Tue May 22 2018

github for windows and babun
If you are on windows 10, you can simply use a linux subsystem. That ain’t what we’re talmbout here. babun is a cygwin based shell with a bunch of de

πŸ“ Tue Feb 12 2019

bee vs hive
"That which injures the hive injures the bee." - Marcus Aurelius

πŸ“ Thu Aug 22 2019

ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension
I ran into this problem on a fresh install of Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS. I had not installed development tools yet, so I found this which prompted me to add

πŸ“ Thu Sep 19 2019

2019-09-19 15:45:33
I changed the post and draft tasks in the Rakefile for this site to use the current date as the title if the user doesn't add one. Makes more sense..

πŸ“ Sun Apr 05 2020
a new hope I'm still working on copy, but I've relaunched It will be linked to this blog right here...I'm putting the finishing touch

πŸ“ Thu Feb 04 2021

I've upgraded and changed it up a little bit. The copy that was there previously turned out to be custom lorem ipsum content. I still h

πŸ“ Wed Sep 28 2022

Starting a new journey
I started a new job yesterday. It's great to start a new journey and I'm so excited for what this new job has in store for me. They trusted me from

πŸ“ Sat Oct 01 2022

PostXING.MetaWeblogProxy - a C# proxy for calling the MetaWeblog API via xml-rpc
I am happy to announce the release of PostXING.MetaWeblogProxy, a C# proxy for calling the MetaWeblog API via xml-rpc. The project is hosted on GitHub

πŸ“ Wed Jan 18 2023

An error occurred while installing racc
An error occurred while installing racc (1.6.2), and Bundler cannot continue. I'm trying to get jekyll to build on my MacBook, with macOS Monterey v

πŸ“ Thu Jan 19 2023

GitHub CoPilot
I was using GitHub CoPilot and ran into a perfect example of keystrokes saved when writing boilerplate code. First, I created a list here with jekyl

πŸ“ Wed Feb 08 2023

SOLVED: Ruby on Monterey
I was able to get ruby installed on my MacBook thanks to this guide. I already had GitHub setup, but I didn't have rbenv installed. Following this gu

πŸ“ Wed Mar 08 2023

My Journey to Setting up a Local Development Mastodon Instance
Mastodon Development Instance I've been looking for a way to update my skills in web development recently while searching for a new job. I've been w

πŸ“ Thu Feb 08 2024


πŸ“ Sun Feb 18 2024

The Declaration of Snugland
πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ The Declaration of Snugland πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ Be it known to all ye hearty souls, scallywags, and pillow-fort enthusiasts! Whereas the sun doth rise and s

πŸ“ Sat Mar 02 2024

Discourse Fresh Install on Mac OS
Introduction So, most of the install instructions are correct, but there are a few extra steps I had to figure out. I will go through the steps to in

πŸ“ Sat Sep 28 2024

Handling 404 in a SPA deployed to GitHub Pages
Credit where it's due, I found this via this blog post I recently deployed a Single Page Application (SPA) to GitHub Pages. Everything was working g

πŸ“ Fri Oct 04 2024

Why do programmers prefer dark mode? Because light attracts bugs
Why do programmers prefer dark mode? Because light attracts bugs! πŸ˜‚ I mean really, everything is light and possibility before it's observed. That'

I mean really, everything is light and possibility before it's observed. That's why you should have written your tests first. But I digress.

πŸ“ Sun Nov 10 2024

Implementing Stripe Checkout Session in ASP.NET Core Minimal API
Introduction There are many, many examples of Stripe integration on the web, including videos. Here's the problem with every single other example: t

I will walk through my implementation of a Stripe Checkout session using ASP.NET Core Minimal API. This approach leverages the simplicity and performance of minimal APIs while integrating with Stripe for payment processing. I'll cover setting up the project, configuring CORS, and implementing the Stripe Checkout session.

πŸ’Ύ May the source be with you. v3.3.224