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Sat Dec 10 2005

This is pretty cool:

System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkChange.NetworkAddressChanged += 
new System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkAddressChangedEventHandler

I have a laptop that everyday switches between my wireless home network and my wired work domain. I was looking for a way to add scripting abilities to the interface itself (i.e. when a network connects, run some script) when I stumbled upon this jem.

So, I now have a little winforms app that sits in my tray (yet another one) and doesn't do anything but run a script (that in turn modifies my hosts file) and change its tray icon when I'm connected to different networks.

Here's what connected at home looks like: connectedhome

It began as a quick'n'dirty POC, and I started to make it more generalized by extracting the common elements to an object model and persisting/loading. Then I stopped myself. I'll just let this one remain quick'n'dirty for now. Why? Because it works. And it saves me from having to remember to execute those batch scripts every time I come home and logon or go to work and logon.


💾 May the source be with you. v3.3.224