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A couple of releases

Thu Dec 30 2004

So I released a new version of PostXING , adding support for the new IBlogExtension plugin I was talking about the other day. Oh, I released the BlogThisUsingPostXING plugin, too.

I think I mentioned that I got the large part of the source code for that one from haacked, but if I didn't, I am now. The source is in no way original by me, I just hacked the solution from his improved plugin for using w.bloggar with RSS Bandit.

To use the plugin, the latest version of PostXING is required - it writes out the location of PostXING so everyone knows how to play nicely together and also takes in (kind of) an html file for adding post information to PostXING on load. Sorry about that - I had no idea how to get this working before I got this great code sample from haacked. I'm sure that neither one of you will mind that much, tho.

[ Currently Playing : Alpha Centauri - At The Drive-In - In Casino Out (3:13) ]

💾 May the source be with you. v3.3.122