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Extensibility Application Block - a review of an implementation.

Thu Jan 06 2005

Royo asks:

I'm interested to know whether you found my Extensibility application block useful, or if you had to make many changes to it to make it workable.

The short answer to this question is: yes and that depends on your definition of 'many'.

The EAP was useful to me: without the ideas and articles supporting it, it would have taken me at least twice as long to implement a spell checking plugin for PostXING. That said, there were some hurdles I had to overcome in order to get it working consistently for me.

First, let me say that I wanted to mimic RssBandit's plugin architecture because a) I have the source code handy and b) it works. RssBandit's method of loading plugins (called "ServiceManager")...

/// <summary>
/// ServiceManager implements a similar algorithm described in
/// to find classes in assemblies that implements Syndication.Extensibility.IBlogExtension.
/// </summary>

Well, guess what? The author of the above article and the EAP are one and the same! Good news for me.

Okay, that said, I was unable to get the DynamicFindPluginProvider to work correctly consistently. The problem was that I was trying to load an assembly from within itself (I think - I'm no reflection guru by any means) and the result was that when the application was launched standalone it would work, when it was launched from the plugin in would b0rk.

I also had to add some properties and methods to the IPlugin interface and the AppContext class in order for IPlugin to be even remotely useful to me. I found out rather quickly that I was going to need some way to configure each IPlugin implementation individually, so I "borrowed" that part of the contract from IBlogExtension. A couple of properties were required in my case in AppContext -

		protected bool _isCallingFromHostApplication = true;
		public virtual bool IsCallingFromHostApplication{
			get{return _isCallingFromHostApplication;}
			set{_isCallingFromHostApplication = value;}

		protected string _currentEditorText = string.Empty;
		public virtual string CurrentEditorText{
			get{ return _currentEditorText;}
			set{ _currentEditorText = value;}

CurrentEditorText shows up in some of Roy's articles, but not the EAP itself. I'm interested in the text, but I can see that CurrentEditorText is not generic enough to be included by default. This kind of makes me think that the EAP is mis-named: it's really a foundation, or building block, whereas the Patterns & Practices Application Blocks come kind of ready-to-go OOB. That doesn't detract from its validity and usefulness - I've just become accustomed to not having to modify an "Application Block" to get it working right away.

Anyways, semantics aside, I needed these properties for dealing with the IPlugin correctly. The override of CurrentEditorText in my app-specific AppContext (called PostXINGAppContext, natch) raises an event saying that it was modified on set, and the consuming event loads the text back into the editor only if the CurrentEditorText was not set by the calling application - I thought that might end up in endless loads of text into the editor which would get rid of the usefulness of a plugin. I could be wrong, but that's what I went with, okay?😃

I found it useful to inherit my IPlugin implementation from the GenericDockablePlugin, even tho there is no UI except for the NetSpell-supplied dialogs. This way, I was able to set an icon thru the designer and have it embedded as a resource instead of including it with the install of the dll. It was just the easiest way to get from idea to implementation for me.

In summary, the EAP is great as a building block for getting plugin functionality into your windows forms app. With some minor modifications, I was able to pull functionality that was originally going to be part of the host application out into a plugin in a few hours.

[ Currently Playing : Tip Your Bartender - Glassjaw - Worship & Tribute (2:59) ]

💾 May the source be with you. v3.3.214