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What's this? PostXING can post to dasBlog?

Sat Jun 25 2005

I saw that Jeff got things up and running with PostXING (sorry again about the whole BlogInfo[0] thing) when I looked at the url. What's this? dasBlog? I never knew that dasBlog supported the Metablog API, although I did see the methods exposed from its blogger.aspx page. I thought they were just place holders, but I fired up my local copy of dasBlog and, sure enough, PostXING can post to it.

WordPress also supports the metablog API - hopefully subText will retain that feature of dotText so there will be at least a few blogging engines (I know of) that you can set up for a personal blog and post to with PostXING.

: It seems it was a fluke on my end, but I have an older version of dasBlog. It sure looks from Jeff's post that it works with whatever version he's running...

[ Currently Playing : White Shadows - Coldplay - (5:28) ]

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