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I had to blog this.

Tue Mar 16 2004

I've been using Mozilla FireFox as my default browser for a couple of weeks. I love it - for the most part. A lot of people don't design for standards, though. They design for what is the  standard, ie IE. Therefore, a lot of sites that I may browse from time to time really look horrible in mozilla, and I find myself opening IE and dragging a link there just to make sure my eyes haven't permanently squinted.

Those Days Are Over. Meet IEView, a “brain-dead simple” plugin for FireFox, but so effective I just know I'll use this every day. From the site:

 The ieview plugin is a simple Mozilla and Mozilla Firefox extension (for Microsoft Windows systems), which allows the current page or a selected link to be opened in Internet Explorer. I use Mozilla 99.99% of the time, but there are those moments -- particularly when testing new pages, or when viewing that rare IE-only page that's actually interesting -- when I need to see what things look like in IE.

💾 May the source be with you. v3.3.214