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We'll miss you, Mr. Holmquist.

Tue Jun 13 2006


My high school principal died on Monday.

This is surreal. It feels like it was just last week that I was skipping class and getting a pep talk from Mr. Holmquist in North House. Worst of all, I went to school with his daughters. Amber was in my graduating class, but she was real into sports (and I wasn't). We had a couple of classes together but I was closer to her sister Kendra, a fellow thespian.

This is so confusing...I've been in the Holmquist house a couple of times, and now...we'll miss you, Mr. Holmquist. Alief is a sad town today.

In the unlikely event that either of my readers finds out any information about the funeral, please let me know. My cell is (281) 684-5688. Alternatively, if I find out anything I will post here.

update: I got this from a friend in the district:

The Holmquist family has made the following arrangements:

Viewing services will be at Forest Park on Westheimer at Dairy Ashford on Thursday evening from 6-8 p.m.  The memorial service will be held Friday morning at 11:00 a.m. at Memoria Drive United Methodist Church on Memorial Drive between Wilcrest and the Beltway.


Paula Smith

💾 May the source be with you. v3.3.214