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More Integration.

Mon Apr 28 2003

Also, thanks Scott for the simpleblogservice...I think this will be the way to go, of course using post to put new entries in based on an infiniblog bit. I've got to check with Chris, but I think I will make the code available for download on my site...once I get more than just a blog working there, of course:P!

The modifications I've made are simple yet important [to this geek anyway] and include identifying a blog by virtual directory (which is what must be happening in this here blogspace) and geoUrl service via geo.blah meta tags - it works, it's cool, and I saw my personal blog show up on the map over there. Too cool. I have other plans here, too - I just got this damn day job thing that makes me put on my thinking cap sometimes. Maybe it's time to get into the zone.😉

💾 May the source be with you. v3.3.122