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v1.1.4322 w/o VS.NET 2003

Tue Jul 08 2003

I just installed v1.1.4322 of the dotnetfx today, bacause it's looking like the nifty tools that I'm starting to see are all being built with this version of the framework. Thanks to Larkware News for providing links to a couple of the tools that I've been using since the install - 2002 to 2003 (and back) Project converter and ASPNETVersion Switcher.

The former is pretty neat in the fact that I no longer have an MSDN subscription 😢 so I can effectively use and view Examples written with the newer, bluer(?) VS.NET 2003. The only problem(s) was (were)

  • written w/ v1.1 dotnetfx, so I had to install that.
  • source code provided, but also written (um,) at v1.1, so I couldn't use the proggie on isself
  • rar'ed. I had to download winrar to extract the files.


The latter, well, that's just cool. Quite useful little utility, kudos Denis

💾 May the source be with you. v3.3.214