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ReverseDOS in Community Server

Thu Jun 16 2005

After another slew of referrer/comment spam that showed up in my blog this morning, I went ahead and downloaded Mike's ReverseDOS.

I followed the steps outlined for setup, but it didn't quite work the way it was outlined at first - I got the dreaded "yellow screen of death". This was due to the entries that I had made in the web.config. So I looked at the entries that were already in there, and I noticed that some <section/> nodes were added to the <system.web/> node. Moving the default configuration from looking like this:

<!-- copy and paste the following code -->
   <sectionGroup name="AngryPets" >
      <section name="ReverseDOS" type="AngryPets.Web.Frameworks.ReverseDOS.FilterConfigHandler, AngryPets.Web.Frameworks.ReverseDOS" />

Instead, mine now looks like this:

<sectionGroup name="system.web">
	<section name="membership" type="Microsoft.ScalableHosting.Configuration.MembershipConfigHandler, MemberRole, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b7c773fb104e7562"/>
	<section name="roleManager" type="Microsoft.ScalableHosting.Configuration.RolesConfigHandler, MemberRole, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b7c773fb104e7562"/>
	<section name="profile" type="Microsoft.ScalableHosting.Configuration.ProfileConfigHandler, MemberRole, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b7c773fb104e7562"/>
	<section name="anonymousIdentification" type="Microsoft.ScalableHosting.Configuration.AnonymousIdConfigHandler, MemberRole, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b7c773fb104e7562"/>
	<section name="ReverseDOS" type="AngryPets.Web.Frameworks.ReverseDOS.FilterConfigHandler, AngryPets.Web.Frameworks.ReverseDOS" />

And I of course moved the ReverseDOS node to be under system.web. We'll see how this pans out, but I thought I would put it out there just in case someone else was having issues with it.

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💾 May the source be with you. v3.3.122