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CodeSnip: Getting Currently Playing info from Windows Media Player using the blogging power toy.

Thu Sep 23 2004

I don't know whom this would benefit but someone building a blog posting tool for the desktop, but anyway here's the code that I converted from the jscript example that comes with the Windows Media Player bloggingpowertoy :



			RegistryKey regKey = Registry.CurrentUser;
			regKey = regKey.OpenSubKey();

			 displayString = ;

			 hasMetadata = ;

			 trackInfo = ;

				trackInfo = regKey.GetValue().ToString();

				(trackInfo.Length != 0){
					hasMetadata = ;

					displayString += trackInfo + ;
					trackInfo = ;
					trackInfo = regKey.GetValue().ToString();

					(trackInfo.Length != 0){
						hasMetadata = ;

						displayString += trackInfo + ;

				trackInfo = ;
				trackInfo = regKey.GetValue().ToString();

				(trackInfo.Length != 0){
					hasMetadata = ;

					displayString +=  + trackInfo + ;

				trackInfo = ;
				trackInfo = regKey.GetValue().ToString();

				(trackInfo.Length != 0){
					hasMetadata = ;

					displayString +=  + trackInfo;
			} {}

				trackInfo = ;
				trackInfo = regKey.GetValue().ToString();

				(trackInfo.Length != 0){
					hasMetadata = ;

					displayString +=  + trackInfo;

				displayString += ;

			displayString += ;


It could probably stand to be a bit more flexible - ie user-defined by a template like w.bloggar, but for the basics it works great! Oh yeah, and let's not forget the output:

[ Currently Listening to: Rage Against The Machine - Pocket Full of Shells (03:52) ]

💾 May the source be with you. v3.3.224