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To those that care...

Tue May 24 2005

I.e. Both of you...I've changed the repository structure of PostXING on vaultpub to better facilitate branching.

These crazy new ideas I've been having are so different from the current architecture of PostXING that I have to branch it just in case someone comes to me with a nasty bug they found that I just overlooked (this has happened a few times already, although not for a while). I don't like having broken software with my name on it out in the wild.

Anyways, I thought I would keep tabs on my progress for this on my blog. I feel like there is something that I'm missing in the ideas that I'm having, so I'm taking this slowly, step by step. To be honest, I've always had this idea in my head for PostXING. It's why it's built the way it is - I've left extensibility points open at the expense of writing a bit more code on the onset. When I'm done, a developer that has a good handle on the API they want to post to will be able to author a plugin/provider, drop it into a subdirectory off of the application root, and be able to use PostXING as kind of a shell to post to their custom API.

[ Currently Playing : Sad Statue - System of a Down - Mezmerize (3:25) ]

💾 May the source be with you. v3.3.214