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The logic (or lack thereof) behind xhtml:body

Fri Apr 25 2003

When Sam started a small revolution last month by using <xhtml:body> in his rss-feed, <snip/>

On top of that, it seems like every rss feed that uses xhtml:body, uses tags like <body xmlns=""> for every item ,


[Luke Hutteman's Weblog]

So am I missing something, or would an RSS feed be considered valid xhtml if using the <body> element in its items collection? As I'm typing this I'm thinking no - no <html> element, yadda yadda...

Okay, then - some more research is in order then. Two items - a filter for xhtml, and a way for extensible comments to bake in to the infiniblog. I've been looking thru some other's ideas on a CommentAPI, but I'm not sure how I should implement it - if what I'm thinking is true, an aspx page which uses a server-side form won't accept a POST from an outside script. I could use a webservice, but what about an .ashx?

The xhtml filter will require a bit more insight as to how HttpHandlers/HttpModules are handled in the runtime. We are implementing the rss feed thru an HttpHandler that accepts requests for .rss files. (We, well - Chris Hollander and my hi-jacking of his code:) So I need to find out if the HttpModules are still called when a Handler is implemented. Haven't really checked out the TraceLog yet.

Okay, enough blabbing - time to find out. cya!

💾 May the source be with you. v3.3.218