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More! More! More!!

Mon Mar 31 2003

Ya know, the site that's set up for us dotnetwebloggers is real cool. You can do everything there.

I'd like to see similar functionality added to my aggregator - I want to post stories, admin my blog, add links that will show up on the site, etc in AspNetWebLog. Is that asking too much? If it is, how about more methods that I could use from the webservice that would let me build my own 'smart client' (is that what this thing is called?) to go on top of AspNetWebLog - I want full control from my desktop. Plus, it would give me a chance to play with WinForms, which I have only dabbled a little bit in.

Maybe we'll see some of this in the next version. I'm holding my breath!

💾 May the source be with you. v3.3.224