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Jim Ross Dies

Fri Nov 18 2005

Our prayers are with you, Jim. I only met Jim in real life one time, and he gave me a ride to my hotel on my first visit to Washington. He lived 5 hours away from me, but we had to go to another state to meet in person! Even though I didn't know him very well personally, it's funny the repoir you build with folks you communicate with often. Most of the Insiders I've come in contact with have just started talking as if we had seen each other just a few days ago. Jim was just like that.

This is a sad day in Texas.

I was sad to hear that fellow ASP Insider and ASP.NET MVP Jim Ross died peacefully yesterday from his cancer.

He told us all about his illness earlier in the year, then carried on posting answers as if nothing had happened. His last post on the email lists I frequent was just 10 days ago.

Funeral information:

The funeral will be Monday at 2 pm at Tyler Memorial, 12053 Hwy 64W, Tyler, TX 75704; 903-597-1396. Visitation is Sunday, 6-8pm

It is with heavy heart that I inform you that my beloved husband, Jim, died today around 4:30pm. When he awoke this morning, he was too weak to get out of his recliner. I called the hospice nurse and she came right over. She made arrangements for Jim to be transported to Hospice Home Place. I called Ron Dart and he was here with me when the ambulance came at 10:30am to transport Jim. Jim was able to talk with both Ron and me. He said he was ready and he hoped his time would be short. God answered his prayer. Jim took a turn for the worse in the ambulance and never regained consciousness. I was alone with Jim, holding his hand, when he was very peaceful. Praise God.

Via James Shaw at CoverYourASP.NET

💾 May the source be with you. v3.3.122