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WhoIs, and my first WinForms Project

Wed Jul 23 2003

Yesterday I picked up my first Windows Forms project.

I think it should be pretty lightweight -> it's going to be a data entry app for "API Headers", which is descriptive information about Oil/Gas Well logs. The hardest part I think will be converting the FoxPro Database over to Sql Server - not the data itself, but figuring out where to change what is basically a monolithic table (in spreadsheet fashion) to more normal data. Who knows? Maybe it'll be fun. heh.

In the meantime, I decided to write a front-end to a nice little gem embedded into aspNetDns, WhoIs. I found myself wanting to do whois queries, and sometimes if you use an online search too often, the server will get bogged down - not a fun chore, for me or the server admin. The component makes it extremely easy to do a whois query - it took me 2 lines of code to accomplish it. If you want some more information on that and other utilities like it, ping Dave Wanta.

💾 May the source be with you. v3.3.214